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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. The nips... Fuck.
  2. Monday is the day I was planning on drinking myself to death! Great news!
  3. Sawdamizer


    I miss Tiny Toon Adventures.
  4. Did you send it to me?
  5. Sawdamizer


    You deleted me? I am pissed now.
  6. Just what someone in that camp would say.
  7. Your Political Compass Economic Left/Right: -1.13 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97
  8. Nice.
  9. Well this was inconclusive at best.
  10. I guess, what specifically are you missing? Or wanting? Often those feelings can be duplicated with an animal and hookers. Not at the same time, never at the same time.
  11. I say it to my cat. ALL. THE. TIME.
  12. Why is he allowed to use it? Is he accepted among the popluation? His dad was African and his mom is a white Jew canadian. I am spanish irish, I tan like a mother fucker in the summer... I SAY! IF HE CAN SAY IT! I CAN SAY IT! But I will wait for the black delegation for validation, except fuggs.. fuck that.
  13. Pistols at dawn you fucking bitch ass.
  14. Looks like you got a spot of cum on there... or bleach.
  15. Not clicking that shit, you fucking twat.
  16. What's da matta?
  17. I guess it depends on where she works?
  18. About 20 minutes ago for about 48 seconds. Then I felt shame.
  19. Happy Birthday Poohbread.
  20. My whip has Harman Kardon in it.
  21. The fuck is that supposed to mean?
  22. If you figure it out, let me know.
  23. I had 3 different dreams last night about playing ping pong against asians I have never met. I slept with ESPN on but why would they have ping pong on?! Oh btw, it was 2 on 1 and I was smoking those dudes... flawless serves, top spin, back spin, just straight up owning that table (non sexy).
  24. Coffee is a gateway drug for heroin.
  25. LOL! You have to actually TRY and not make more money than that.
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