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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. Nope. I smash.
  2. His music is junk now, and has been for quite some time.
  3. Backdoor makes me feel huge.
  4. Trolling even in death. Sounds like me. You would have to assume that any news of my death would be a ruse, at least at first.... until you see a body. Jesus, the people that would show up though..... the girls would all be grilling eachother, I would need you in that space to kind of damage control shit, or not... I would be dead, let them tear eachother apart.
  5. It can't be about the depth.... it really can't be. I may need to just fuck the sides up a bit.
  6. Not really sure what the hell is going on, but really messed up dreams of people I know dying... a lot. Never the same person though and not really people I even care about. This morning I had a dream that this lady I did a mortgage for died, stabbed. She means nothing to me, and I watched her die....... The other night I had a sexy dream that turned in to her getting killed, not sure how she died, just remember seeing the news and her parents were super upset at her current husband. I am sure all of this means I need to go get laid or something.
  7. God damn this is the most relevant post I have seen in a while.
  8. I was 12, but you all knew that.... caught a ban for that shit.
  9. I can gleek at will, all the other kids thought that was pretty talented.
  10. Working on month end shit, then chillin'. I put new tires on my offroad buggy and may take that bitch off some sweet jumps.
  11. Not in schools, but my parents certainly believed in beating my ass when I fucked up. Irish households and all.
  12. You are gross.
  13. Lies.
  14. You're a gross fat sack of fat.
  15. Do we have a ToS? I want to know or science reasons.
  16. Sup? Do you all need me or nah?
  17. *autistic screaming*
  18. You should try anyways though.
  19. Could have gone one of two ways..... rolled the dice, but this would have been a much cooler story if she would have smiled at you and gave you her number. You'd be titty fucking a bitch you don't love right now just by making a simple mistake..... at least, this is what I know from the porns I have seen.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuedZ1Y_dU4
  21. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd then?
  22. Realistfaggot was a bitch... speaking of bitches? Where is Icarus and Pinky at?
  23. LOL!!! That dude fucking nutted you.
  24. What's funny is.... the powers to be and those fucking fucks have been begging us to come here, and now we are bringing real fucking content they move it or delete it. Luuv, wants to fucking dick around? Lets fucking dick man.
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