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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. Weird anal bead flex there pimpin
  2. Coincidence that Norm MacDonald and Bob Dole died in the same year?
  3. Bye bye😗
  4. Those fucking morons will be breaking tables while they get a few inches deep
  5. Why the fuck does soup have so many fucking calories?!? I’m trying to be lean, because I’m eating like shit for the next 30 days… and soup has 520 calories for fucking chicken noodle?!?!? We are destined to be fat
  6. Pats 1st in their division again….. this feels alllllright
  7. You have the same bday as my mom…. Christopher.
  8. Quite a few vaginas
  9. Start the new gig on Monday and I’ve been sick as shit for a couple days. both ends. ginger ale and soup is what I need.
  10. Aren’t you also a ginger too?
  11. *hums Mario brothers underworld song*
  12. I’m allergic to shrimp too. People get all stupid and start quizzing me on other shit too.
  13. Prop bets… I saw them everywhere in vegas
  14. A Trojan ad every now and again would be helpful too
  15. Schweppes ginger ale is infinitely superior to all other ginger ales and I have no clue why. and fuck outta here with Canada Dry asshole
  16. I said fucking grey pubes!
  17. I, for one, think you should stream it live in the theatre and provide commentary. include the audience. ghostrek, you were born to do this, only you can. I believe in you… even when others said you were a no good, balding, cat peeler.
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