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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. I need to buy new sheets and I’m getting enticed on the Egyptian cotton deals… but I feel like it’s a waste of money.
  2. This mother fucker didn’t even come around on his bday
  3. Thinking about how much water I should drink today to not have my entire liver fail
  4. I have a theory
  5. He helped me through nightfall not long ago in Destiny… HBD my dude
  6. I’m thinking about temptys tits (bait)
  7. Kids a fucking dink
  8. I can tell you how to get wasps out….
  9. I can smell that “New Deal” era creeping out her gash
  10. Molar, you look different every time you post a pic
  11. His platform is a hooker in all our beds… he has my vote
  12. Falcons Dolphins game is fun 🤩
  13. Thanks for the freeeeee parking
  14. RIP
  15. This Pats loss hurt… more turnovers, and Dallas had over 100 yards in penalties… Mac has the rest of the season to get good… or I’m sure Billy will kick his ass to the curb.. though, not sure how we manage to ever get better when we turnover the key positions… oh well… wish the Sox were on tonight
  16. Reported.
  17. Why do they look like a sticker image of glasses? Like, you pasted glasses on your picture…
  18. How did you manage this?
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