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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. Everyone I know loved it
  2. IMG_5475.MOV
  3. Checking my hours played in games is alarming, I’m assuming it counts idle time on start menu, but still… wut? people with a fraction of time that I have are banging shots that I didn’t even know were actual mechanics.
  4. IMG_5411.MOV
  5. Sure, can we share a drink on it?
  6. I think the answer to this is painfully clear
  7. I’d like to solve the puzzle… who are… the moops…
  8. I pray that he rearranges your guts
  9. Let him split you in half like a dinner roll.
  10. I wouldn’t even know where to get drugs if I wanted them… like, I couldn’t even call someone or anything. I know I said this before.. but it really bothers me that I couldn’t get shrooms even if I wanted to… what a fucking loser.
  11. Women don’t want to hear it, but this is alpha
  12. Broncos for sale, Flores suing everyone in the NFL, Brady retires (officially)…. What a wild fucking day for football.
  13. I’m in control of nothing
  14. Cocomelon is a realm of hell I didn’t know existed.
  15. iM oNLy wATcHinG feR Da HalFtIME sHoW
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