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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4997646/will-smith-stripped-oscar-king-richard-serena-williams/amp/ so, I love how people are telling him how he should handle his shit… like days after, and people eat this shit up. for me? This validates what he did… good for him
  2. IMG_6166.MOV
  3. Relax everyone, Macron is going to meet with Putin later and talk things out in his lair…
  4. Y’all know he’s a butcher now right? Fucking wit da wrong boiiiiii
  5. Publicist wrote this, no doubt. https://deadline.com/2022/03/will-smith-apology-to-chris-rock-1234989591/
  6. Marshall Herskovitz said Will has disgraced their entire community…. The entire entertainment community is disgraced by what Will did. this single act, has disgraced the community in which he is part of…. This… act.
  7. On The Talk just now… they asked what they want to see here… and they said, for Chris to apologize.. and then Will to apologize and hug it out like men. Whoever this woman is said it…
  8. Real talk - it really appears that Will is going through some mental health shit from the look of it, and a couple years now…the dude has been through a lot.. getting cucked was probably a heavy thing.
  9. Wow, she lost a lot of weight!
  10. Yeah sudden illness.. lol forgot about this commercial…
  11. Damn… https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33541834/long-nfl-reporter-john-clayton-dies-67 he was a bit annoying but I enjoyed his analysis most times.
  12. Get fucked seight
  13. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/omg/article-701267/amp hard to take shit seriously when Musk says stupid shit and the country responds…
  14. He will get all the bowls this season…. ALL OF THEM MUAHAHAHAHA
  15. Brady unretires!!!! https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/tom-brady-returning-for-23rd-nfl-season-with-tampa-bay-buccaneers-231707893.html fuck yah!
  16. I’ve been poor… but never THIS poor
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