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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. Yo… then these bitches swallowing kids that I planned on having need to go
  2. As stated many times, this doesn’t stop abortions, it stops safe healthcare for women
  3. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/if-a-fetus-is-a-person-it-should-get-child-support-due-process-and-citizenship/2019/05/17/7280ae30-78ac-11e9-b3f5-5673edf2d127_story.html I like her
  4. 🧐🧐🧐🧐
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-61301911 Ha yes, Amazon missing the mark again for a headline… access to healthcare will depend on where you work, so bring them your poor and they will travel you to far off places to get abortions.. you know, because they truly care…
  6. I’d make some time available
  7. Live look at the surgeon…. Number 1
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russias-putin-to-hand-over-keys-to-war-while-he-has-cancer-surgery-report/ar-AAWN94M?ocid=sapphireappshare this is really starting to read like some epic novel now… all we need is space magic and wizard poison (sans Covid vaccines)
  9. The Karen is strong within you… your anger gives you fuckus…..
  10. Easy, Karen.
  11. Chain the doors and set the whole place on fire… be a Debbie .
  12. IMG_7117.MOV
  13. Happy Birthday!!
  14. Eat it, either you go to the ethereal plane… or hospital…
  15. Get some fukt
  16. Oh… well I’m a delicate flower.
  17. I don’t know what any of that means… I woke up… showered and they started working on my feets
  18. First time getting this shit done… not a fan.
  19. Just seeing the dicks she’s made molds of…. I’m feeling really good about my cock
  20. IMG_6943.MOV
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