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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/bill-cassidy-maternal-mortality-rates bill Cassidy says, “…. Maternal mortality rates are only bad if you count black women…” nothing at all to see here folks, move along.
  2. Claim them as dependents at 6 weeks… great point I heard the other day
  3. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/18/new-york-ag-will-probe-social-media-following-buffalo-shooting.html New York AG is opening probe in to twitch, 4chan, and discord… lol gooooooodluck with that
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/patch.com/pennsylvania/doylestown/amp/30667513/woman-who-entered-capitol-in-riot-wins-gop-primary-in-doylestown
  5. Awwww yahhhhhhh so fucking stupid it hurts
  6. *looks at thread title* Dafuq is everyone talking about loans?
  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/buffalo-shooting-supermarket-new-york-suspect-alleged-plan/
  8. I just fucking saw I’m rated a 4.91 on Uber… why are they reviewing us?!?! Like, dafuq? I get in the car, I don’t say a word… I only fart after I’ve left the car… and it doesn’t provide additional feedback like, why? So this is some subjective ass bullshit… that’s it… hold my cock…. The next Uber driver is gunnnnnnnna hear about it.
  9. Got the flu, and it’s like sitting in my chest now. All the meds make me jacked up or tired, like, nothing in between… what’s the point? the inhaler makes me shake. the mucinex makes me tired. the meth makes me wired. the alcohol makes me tired the Tylenol does nothing 3 truths and 2 lies here
  10. I think we are going to learn a lot about what failed here given what we knew right from the start. This will be shared blame across a lot of areas…. Thoughts and 🙏
  11. I think we know the answer to that. Y’all on ya own
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/15/politics/nebraska-abortion-ban-roe-v-wade-cnntv/index.html
  13. We already have heard Nabs justifications for all things
  14. Straight up fucking psychotic racist piece of shit IMG_7584.MOV
  15. IMG_7580.MOV
  16. Russia using white phosphorus on Azovstal….. just keep them war crimes coming Putin… Those that don’t know… this shit is fucking nasty stuff. IMG_7579.MOV
  17. And, who is that? Some Risk dude?
  18. Bitcoin is moving from weak hands to strong hands…. HODL!
  19. Nice let me know how it is, my wife and I are looking at options too.
  20. With Coinbase absolutely imploding from around $350, now… under $53… they came out on their earnings call with some shit… https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/coinbase-warning-users-could-lose-crypto-bankruptcy-earnings-2022-5%3Famp advice - always keep your crypto in cold storage wallets.
  21. Sooooo… yeah…never invest what you aren’t willing to lose. This has been a bad few weeks for crypto, and signs are pointing to BTC to fall under 20k… which is ok…. people that think they will get rich quickly and using this to hedge their investment strategy are destined to lose their ass. I see people taking money from their home equity and putting it into crypto and I just shake my head and their logic is the ROI is much higher long term, but… feds are jacking up the rates because of inflation… soooooooo yah… your home equity isn’t fixed most likely… anyways.. it’s fun to watch
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