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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. You should try dreaming about big tittied goth bitches
  2. Finally, a solution to this massive dong between my legs….
  3. www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/billy-long-blames-abortion-uvalde-shooting-1361870/amp/ jabba the cunt
  4. Celtics win finals… everyone relax
  5. Always recognize and remember the heroes
  6. S a D for some drugs!
  7. I like Eugene Mirmans standup.. and I watched it because of him… but after the first couple seasons I realized they castrated him and his comedy… so… I turn it off.
  8. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/texas-news/teacher-closed-propped-open-door-before-uvalde-school-shooting-police/2981940/
  9. https://www.kansascitydefender.com/justice/kcpd-shoot-unarmed-woman-five-times/ guess the try hard bullshit actors here still don’t have shit to say about this
  10. Mosquitos will literally travel on empty, no gas… last leg… dying… to get to me across the planet.
  11. Damn man. I still do transport every once in awhile if you want me to keep my eyes peeled for something you’re looking for… sorry to hear.
  12. Enjoying the Memorial Day
  13. Big brain shit. also, no reason to keep wound open… it’s important to bury it as soon as possible. a new, much bigger school.. with ar15s on every guard… or so certain psychos here would want to achieve.
  14. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.yahoo.com/amphtml/biden-suggests-demolishing-uvalde-school-131027315.html biden wants to demolish the school… we got it figured out now!
  15. Depends if it’s 6 weeks+
  16. https://www.kansascitydefender.com/justice/kcpd-shoot-unarmed-woman-five-times/ Shot unarmed pregnant black Woman five times in the back…. but the interim chief says, it’s a holiday weekend and it’s time for friends.
  17. https://giffords.org/lawcenter/gun-laws/
  18. I will tag @Ginguy, everyday until he responds btw… @katt_goddess, you can eat my ass if that isn’t appropriate… I don’t have many other outlets of discussion without the passion that includes my personal family.
  19. I’m going hard… I don’t care
  20. I guess we can start moving this shit to a cartoon, or DF at this point based on the absurdity of what gun advocates want… right? Anyways… funny not funny… memes.. their right to own killing “tools”…. Kills our children… @Ginguy, I usually leave you alone because I get what it’s like to be on the wrong side of the fence for awhile… and the right lost me years ago… you’ve been absent recently… come talk about what we are missing… and defend that 2nd amendment and the razor thin blue line that’s heavily militarized by government gifts and war time armor. IMG_8083.MOV
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