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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Randomly does the worm out in public whenever he gets the chance
  2. Is currently fighting a Paternity suit from an Olive Garden waitress
  3. Likes to dress up as Kefka Palazzo
  4. Steals urinal cakes from Olive Garden
  5. Where's Robert Stack when you need him?
  6. I don't even know where to start with this. I come to work and one of the managers pulls me aside to tell that someone was looking me. I guess this person has major beef with me for some reason who know. And apparently it's some old dude, seriously? I don't have to dealing with some sassy ass old man with a grudge. Get in line along with other butthurt buffoons. All these people are just all talk. They're not going anything other run their dick licker. I tried to confront one of these tough guys and wouldn't you know it he was too much of a chicken shit to come face me. So I'm just going to go on like nothing happened because nothing is going to happen, I promise you, I'm the last person you want to make an enemy out of.
  7. Has a degree in Tool music
  8. Once stayed at a Hotel in California
  9. Hates his vacuum cleaner because it sucks
  10. Bans from Alberta and Saskatchewan currently pending
  11. Is planning on starting a band that does metal covers of nursery rhymes
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