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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. The twist....he really WAS his dad
  2. But do they HAVE to be dead.
  3. I'm trying to decipher the code...the clock in pic 1 is 10:14....the second is 9:19. Ok so i think the white chalce will only activate before 10:15....the bule chalice must be activated before 9:20 at night....indicated by the need for illumination.....ok, im going to save here and equip plot armor
  4. lol, this is fucking repugnant.
  5. Random potshot at OP, Loosely constructed metaphor expressing my disdain for your ignorance Bullshit claim about returning to DF.
  6. You know you're safe....At the very worst, Pat will inbox you. Now we have a salty crack snitch who might force his hand to do more, but it's more likely he'll just get himself banned again.
  7. jack-et off, may....Oh, you mean Stilgar.
  8. You are a champion.
  9. I joined this time religion that was all the rage here....I have no age.
  10. Nice try, sea life.....I'm on to you.... ALL OF YOU!
  11. Age catfishing....truly disgusting.
  12. I'm not so sure.
  13. Thats a complete lie
  14. Hbd....we played smash bros together once
  15. Lmfao....this post is the forum equivalent of yelling B-5 on battle ship, missing, then immediately going B-6.
  16. I'm colorblind too but it's mostly blue hues that run close to the purlpe spectrum....Since I'm older, it may have leaked into the purple/pinkish to reds but I'll just call it pink until corrected.
  17. Fuck it, nevermind.....dont want the mental gymastics show to start
  18. You have paid i my funny bone in droves.....I knew you still had purpose.
  19. If I cry harder, it'll be true.
  20. ....Looks pink to me...But either way, they didn't have them at walmart, so I'm already over it.
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