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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is better than Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Come and get me .
  2. You're standing on my neck! LA LA LA!
  3. Edd, except that I don't wear hats.
  4. Could you predict that I was going to post this: iwjewjf3we98r3whtunendgfenuifn euifidsjf sdnfiewnfesfndsfnjdnfnlkfndsfnefoeiesoifosdnfndsfnsdkfnsdkfndslkfsldkfsfklnsofionfolsdfldnlnsdfniir9hjn9mdbdwmewmorierj98568323j123rt5nnythnkgnjdsfsmfewr9iweimriemsdkfkmdm
  5. Good question. I remember him and Majikthise. Biggest Space Ghost fans I knew.
  6. Sometime in October. I remember the site's last day, too. It was pretty much just Dumpster Fire if it was one big message board.
  7. Time flies when new message boards replace the old.
  8. I'm wearing blue pants.
  9. Rocko's Modern Life-Short Story Rugrats-Angelica's Worst Nightmare Futurama-The Sting
  10. Rick & Morty>Both of those shows combined.
  11. If you had an unlimited amount of money, you would not need a job to support yourself. That said, I would just buy all of the shit I needed/wanted.
  12. Whether you're gay, straight or bi, it's all a romantic lifestyle that's a part of you. Even if you're bi, you still have no choice about who you're attracted to. You have more options.
  13. Oh, OK. You'll have to forgive me. I'm not much of a religion connoisseur.
  14. I went to a trade school, but I took the trade for no reason other than my own interest in the trade.
  15. I would never allow a gay guy to flirt with me, personally, especially if they knew damn well that I'm straight.
  16. Phineas and Ferb: The boys do something big, Perry fights Doofenshmirtz and wins, Candace tries to get the boys in trouble, but Perry and Doofenshmirtz's feud causes the boy's big thing to disappear and everything is back to normal. Pokemon: Ash finds a new Pokemon, meets a new character or challenges a new gym, Team Rocket disrupts the whole thing to commit some crime until Ash and/or his friends stops them by sending them flying in the sky and everything is back to normal. Johnny Bravo: Johnny flirts with a girl only to find out that she either: 1) Is not interested in him, 2) Looses interest in him by the end of the episode or 3) Is revealed to have something about her that makes her unattractive and everything is back to normal.
  17. The only part of EH that even freaked me out a little was when the guys face melted towards the end.
  18. I didn't say EH sucked. I just said it wasn't scary.
  19. Event Horizon is the opposite of scary.
  20. ........works for the Virtual Console versions too. Just like before, you save, deposit a Pokemon holding an item into a box, switch to a different box, turn off the game before it finishes saving and , tada, you have two of the same Pokemon and item (One in your party and the other in the box you deposited it in).
  21. As infuriating and insufferable as this site's trolls are, there's not much anyone can do about them..
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