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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. I remember than corny little film. Thunderella was by far my favorite of the Dwarfelles.
  2. KaBlam! was my shit as a child. Best Nickelodeon show ever. It was the ultimate mind fuck for 90s kids, especially the Loopy shorts and their unique brand of uncanny valley.
  3. One of the first anime shows I watched, the first episode of SM I watched was on Toonami during the Moltar days in my old basement. The DIC logo at the end, however, scared the piss out of me so much that it sent me running back upstairs.
  4. The film is very easy to find on DVD, which is probably thanks to the strong sales it had on VHS. The Pagemaster is a cult film. It may not have been super popular, but it had charm. I still watch it regularly whenever I need to connect my inner child to my outer adult.
  5. Most complaints about Pagemaster were about how preachy it was and how it didn't say much about the literature it covered. But I think of it like The Man From Pluto. Sometimes films are personal and, while they may flop, they were made specifically with a heartwarming personal message. The Pagemaster was created by someone who wanted to share his love of reading with his loved ones. It's a personal film.
  6. It wasn't a very successful film commercially or critically. But I thought it was pretty good. Like Nemo, The Pagemaster took my mind to places I never thought it could be (And I don't even do drugs). Plus, there's a good message about not being too afraid of everything.
  7. Little Nemo was an awesome and underrated film. I love stuff that has me tripping balls in all of the right ways like that film.
  8. With this logic, it appears to be more in favor that Fry is older than Farnsworth, though Farnsworth is the one that actually has aged.
  9. Well, it can be seen as time travel, at least forwards instead of backwards. But it's more so preserving something or someone as it or they are for a new generation.
  10. If someone was frozen before someone was even born, but that other person physically lived a longer life than the person who was frozen, who is older?
  11. Lot's of people miss the 90's, Zeni.
  12. So do it. Hell, I sit down when I piss. Doesn't mean I lost my penis.
  13. Dreamworks Home (You can fight me on this, if you want, but that won't fucking change shit). Harold and Kumar Escape to Guantanamo Bay. Hell, I actually thought it was a little bit better than White Castle. The Pagemaster. Battlefield Earth (Very VERY guilty pleasure).
  14. I think that a common consensus with a lot of the live action Grinch dislikers was that for all of the film's flaws, Jim Carrey's performance was one of the few good things about the film. I will admit that Carrey did a better job portraying the Grinch than Myers did portraying the Cat (Though I overall disliked both movies).
  15. My shit normally takes like 30 seconds to come out. It'll just slide out of there like a water ride and is greenish sometimes.
  16. That man sure does have a big weiner.
  17. The microwave is indeed the poor man's oven. Everytime I eat microwaved pizza, it's 50% cold, 30% lukewarm, it's disgusting.
  18. Got two seasons of Archer for 6 bucks out of the deal.
  19. "Could you please pass the mayonnaise?"
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