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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. They're going to need a bigger a court house.
  2. Most of those incidents were back in that time when we all thought Putin was just a weirdo with eccentricities, and everyone just tolerated it. Not even in a "hoping for the best" way because that implies a suspicion of what his evil nature is when we really didn't suspect it at all.
  3. I actually don't know that, but I bet you're going to tell the internet about it. Sure, sure ...
  4. ... everyone should live tweet it.
  5. Sinema is bad. Manchin is too, but I begrudgingly respect him for what he did last year with the Inflation Reduction Act, where he convinced the Republicans he was NOT going to support it so they would give up on obstructing it. But then turned around and DID support it and said, "Technically, I never actually said I wouldn't support it; you Republicans just assumed that."
  6. There's a rumor going around on Twitter that Mitch McConnell might cash in his chips, kick the bucket, shuffle off into the great hereafter, for whom the bell tolls, soon. I don't know how true it is. Has anyone seen him in person recently? Just think about it.
  7. I don't know how a three-way race will work out for Sinema, but I'm ready to gamble over it (I want the Dem to win), just to get rid of her.
  8. I just went back to look at Twitter after ignoring it for awhile, and it's unbearable. What kind of syphilitic brain thinks listening to hundreds of voices (in the form of tweets) making declarative statements as if they are the most important things ever said by anyone is fun? Also, the place is being run into the ground by a right-wing lunatic.
  9. I hate to dampen the pro-Ukraine mood, but I'm still thinking a stalemate will be how the war ends. My guess is everyone in the U.S. government thinks the same. For example, the Abrams tank won't get to Ukraine until autumn at the the earliest, and I've long concluded Ukrainians won't even be able to operate an Abrams. The way it was explained to me is the Abrams is the luxury car of tanks. It breaks very easily if you don't know what you're doing, and American soldiers train for years before they are allowed to operate one. And once they are allowed to operate it, that's their entire job throughout their career
  10. The second black lawmaker has now been expelled while the one white lawmaker was spared. Really horrible.
  11. The white Democrat is not expelled but the black Democrat is. Tennessee has made it even worse now.
  12. I would say this is pretty classic Superman. The 15 seconds reminds me of Superman: The Animated Series. Would that show fit in on Toonami? Maybe, it could try. Tap into the comic fan audience and mix them in with the anime audience.
  13. You mean Lois Lane, one of the best non-superpowered characters in DC Comics.
  14. I am horrified and pissed off about this, but at the same time, I can't think of more heroic politicians than those three lawmakers who are getting expelled. If they are able to run again for their seats, I hope they do. They will be THE state legislature. All those other small, forgettable lawmakers won't be worth mentioning.
  15. Does anyone else find it weird and ironic that Trump is going to prison for election fraud (he's being saying the 2020 election was stolen from him) and classified documents (the "lock her up" stuff from 2016 was about a classified documents case).
  16. The New York case against Trump is strong in my opinion. If you listen to his defenders, implicit in what they are saying is that he will get convicted. When they say "Trump can't get a fair trial in NYC," they are implying a conviction. After this, I think Georgia is going to nail him is a strong election fraud case. And the feds are going to nail him in the strong mishandling classified information case. The feds have already raided on that, meaning they believing there is probable cause to believe a crime was committed.
  17. Harassing trans people makes me angry.
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