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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. I believed in the goodness of people and thought THIS kind of bigotry was over 20 years ago.
  2. Oh. The lyrics are from the perspective of the GoldenEye satellite weapon, which is being anthropomorphised. You learn something new everyday.
  3. I was almost going to feel sorry for him, but then I remembered this is the don't say gay, anti- African-American studies, book banning guy.
  4. Let's listen to it! You're right. Not bad. Now I want to look up cover songs.
  5. "What's Love Got To Do With It" was the number 1 song in the USA the week I was born.
  6. List of accomplishments includes: .... 99. Has a classic and very classy James Bond movie song. 123. Was the villain in the best Mad Max movie.
  7. Yeah, it does.
  8. Tina Turner, Singer of Explosive Power, Is Dead at 83 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/24/arts/music/tina-turner-dead.html?smid=nytcore-android-share
  9. If the nominee of one of the two parties is in prison, that's basically a no-contest race for the other party. Like when a sports team wins by default.
  10. I don't see how this WON'T be an election catastrophe if Trump is the GOP nominee. I still believe Republicans are going to sober up and choose DeSantis or someone. When it gets real to them that Trump may be behind bars in November 2024.
  11. One thing Trump's four years in office taught me is to cut down on politics with people I know I'm going to fundamentally disagree with. It works in making things a little happier. I used to passionately talk to anyone about any serious issue. Now I'm more choosey. That's the long way of me saying I let be pro-Trump people.
  12. Indictment summer is going to continue.
  13. Here's hoping, I guess. Ukraine isn't going to achieve its military goal of evicting Russia from all of its 1991 borders, which is bad, but Russia is weakened and probably wont be a serious threat for a long time, giving Putin some time to die off.
  14. Such a weird, complex scene that I could endlessly think about in the context of social commentary. Without the satire, it makes no sense. I looked this up in the manga, and it's weird there too.
  15. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is imperialism. Putin (it's pretty much his idea and that of a few other people around him) want to control the countries neighboring Russia by any means, including by invading them and killing their leaders if that's what is required. The invasion is NOT about Russia's self-defense. It's a lie when they say they feel threatened by Ukraine, NATO or anyone else. The Russian government lies. They create elaborate lies to hide their real intentions. It's been one of their defining traits forever.
  16. Did I offend with a tasteless joke? I wasn't expecting that, and I'm sorry if that's the case.
  17. Thanks! I give the TV show A+. The best show I've watched in awhile. And I bought the first two volumes of the manga this week.
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