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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. Higher wages and a reduction in income inequality are big deals that are being taken for granted.
  2. I got into a brief argument with someone who defended Roger Waters by saying this is really just an expression of "The Wall" and tried to imply he was an artist beyond reproach. I got so annoyed by this that I gave my iconoclastic opinions about lots of artists because no one is beyond reproach. It went something like: "The Wall" is a sophomoric effort, as if a teenage songwriter just discovered Orwell. Stanley Kubrick films are overrated. "A Clockwork Orange" is a better poster than a movie. "South Park" is rarely funny. Robert Kirkman has one readable comic, and it's not any of the popular ones.
  3. I still sometimes say, "I require assistance" when the situation calls for it while thinking of this.
  4. I see we have settled into pop culture references to Kissinger instead of thinking seriously about his arguably evil actions. That's probably for the best. It's a holiday weekend. I don't want to think about all of that.
  5. Okay, let's hear it out and keep an open mind.
  6. Ukrainian military intelligence are people I'd be slightly concerned about ever pissing off.
  7. The first time I've ever seen Putin get interrupted by someone else.
  8. And he's going to be an election loser again and go to prison. So good look with your "meaner words".
  9. At least we don't have to worry about default for awhile.
  10. *at the title* Invasion Ooo-sa? What?
  11. Mystery Science Theater 3000 one time riffed on an old movie called "Invasion USA" about the Soviet Union invading the United States. It was a pretty funny movie. At one point, a Russian military spy blows his cover by getting confused over the term "Chicago Cubs". He was like, "what do you mean? A cub is a small bear" and all the American characters were like, "*gasp* it's the spy!" Apparently this was intended to be the big, shocking reveal. Now I want to watch that episode again.
  12. In a Gotham City where Joker regains his sanity and moral center and becomes the most just district attorney in the city's history.
  13. The 2020 remix by the DJ Kygo. It was the last time Turner was on the music charts. I like it.
  14. He makes me think of Venture Bros.
  15. I don't know about this, but I do know the Russian government really hates it when the U.S. treats it less than a peer. It seems so provocative that I am cautious about the U.S. taking that stance.
  16. My doctor had to fill out a prior authorization (PA) with my insurance company to convince them to cover the cost, and after some haggling, it was approved. My out of pocket cost for one month of it is about $50. That's good, but we did have to put in effort to get insurance to cover it.
  17. That's quite the bravado from a party to the war.
  18. I got prescribed this medication today. I will use it and occasionally post here about my completely anecdotal experience with it in the upcoming months.
  19. As evidenced from 2022, we could be in a dynamic where an unpopular Democrat is preferable to a Republican. And it's all thanks to Trump and the other Republicans who try to imitate him.
  20. I used to think DeSantis was a threat to Biden but now I'm not sure. DeSantis is too much of a right-wing extremists to get Pennsylvania and Michigan to ever vote for him.
  21. The Democrat has won the popular vote in 7 out of 8 presidential elections. The smart guess is it'll happen again in 2024. Biden may be unpopular but so is the Trump party.
  22. So, it's also like "Zootopia", but for adults and is 100 times more gritty?
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