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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. you could also use it to use the carpool lane
  2. me and who?
  3. also bananas
  4. you know, some D would definitely help me with seasonal depression. vitamins might help too
  5. You can really tell bands like Millington, We Are The Union, and Kill Lincoln love Less Than Jake. I know I've said it before but it makes me so happy that there's so many newer ska bands that are keeping the music alive. and it's good, too, with artists incorporating new styles and sounds as well more traditional sounds. i remember thinking ska would die and I'd only ever have the old stuff to listen to. I'm so glad i was wrong
  6. yeah, and honestly i know more people who regret having gotten married than those who are glad they did. not being able to leave a relationship after it's natural end point is not something i can see ever wanting and I'm so glad I've never gotten married myself. the worst part is so many people end up seeing divorce as a failure because of it. it's not, there is nothing virtuous or superior about staying in a relationship that should have already ended.
  7. how do you think this compares to prosperity gospel? just curious about your thoughts on the topic
  8. the answer is that Americans like to appropriate things regardless of whether or not it makes sense either in the context of their own beliefs or in the traditional context of whatever it is they're appropriating my very basic and limited understanding of karma was that it is more about trying to not to create more suffering in the world than anything to do with punishment vs reward, but idk fuck about shit so i could be very wrong.
  9. well what qualifies as "grrl music"? now I'm curious
  10. i feel like the only trans girl that doesn't listen to metal 😭
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