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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. :3
  2. Bingus is the most appropriate name for the sphinx cat breed and I genuinely believe they should just rename it Bingus officially. my roommates bingus cats are the most bingus bunguses to have ever bingused
  3. this was too real not to share
  4. I'm getting a lot of downvotes on an imgur comment i made because i pointed out that prejudice white people face from non white people is not even remotely the same as actual systemic racism. I don't think that should be an unpopular opinion. honestly it's more a matter of fact than opinion anyways, but man do privileged white liberals not like hearing that their experiences aren't the same as real oppression. the sad part is that i know exactly what they're talking about, I've been the white(looking) person in majority non white communities, and while the occasional harassment wasn't fun, i also noticed that even in those spaces being/looking white carried privileges. to say that experience is even remotely comparable to actual racism (which is what the comment i responded to said) is absurd and ridiculous.
  5. i hope hrt does this for me
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