Patient care when not caring....
Jumping to conclusions when not thinking straight
Joking the wrong way...and taking the wrong thing too seriously, like seriously
Not confessing the right things the right way enough
Not transparent enough, but not able to take the criticisms
Not speaking up when clearly there is a need to about something that isn't right for good people.
Being lazy.
Working while not investing
Poor spending habits
Poor judgment of character
Not working on that staredown
Having sex at an early age
Not speaking up for myself as much as I should have...
Being too much about me in a not good way.
Not being what I set out.
Shitting on my intelligence.
Beating myself up
Eating too much
Fad diets
Not working out enough
My last relationship and not working through problems enough
My last relationship and working with more problems than I could handle.
Stressing over shit that isn't my problem
Not calling mobile help earlier while I watch her slowly poison herself with alcohol.
Not getting mom health insurance when I could afford it.
Not praying hard enough before oh shit...
Satan (sorry guys)
Not doing my homework on time
Slacking off
Losing motivation
Not taking more trip (seriously I've only been to vegas)
Bad investments in people
Overly trusting
Overly paranoid
OCD in the worst way
Dental hygeine
Body hygeine
All of my embarassing senerios
Sick shit inside my brain
Sick shit inside my brain
Sick shit inside my brain
Not living up to my fullest greatest potential.
Reading too much into something that is only a small part of the whole picture.
Not behaving like myself
Not getting people
Not expressing myself enough
Not getting enough sleep
Taking too much shit
Personal and impersonal habits that aren't good.
Not expressing my emotions properly.