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Everything posted by DeadwingLazarus

  1. Is it bad that I didn't read that as Gentiles?
  2. I freaking hate it!
  3. I was hoping someone was gonna post that. Thank you for doing so.
  4. I haven't heard Tony Cipriani's name in a long time either.
  5. At this point, I wouldn't mind. What's the worst that could happen?
  6. I might need a spare newspaper. Do you have one handy?
  7. Fair enough. Also, looks like someone did some housekeeping in you auto warranty thread.
  8. Ah, so they're going for the hard reset then. Okay.
  9. Didn't his old man play for the Blues once upon a time?
  10. That's okay. With how everything is these days, we're all clumped together. Good, right? I don't think so either, but whatever, you know what I mean?
  11. I know what you mean. I had been getting some for my old Ford Explorer a couple years after I got rid of it. I finally sent one back with "DO NOT OWN ANYMORE!" written in black ink, and I never received one about that car since.
  12. Melted ice cream is ice cream that has melted. (You can say it's a shake or not, but that's your call.) Also, I typically put a whole dollar amount for the tip, regardless of percentage, but I do my absolute best to leave a good tip. (At least 18%.)
  13. I could never get into them, unfortunately. I blame someone who claimed to be a Japanese kid (as in a kid from Japan) for getting HavocTV to play "Good Googly Moogly" over and over and over. He'd get everyone to vote for the same thing. This was when they had an overnight music/action sports block on what's now the Audience Channel on AT&T UVerse and DirecTV. (Or was "Good Googly Moogly" solely a Project Pat song? I don't really remember right now.) And yet, I bet a mashup of "Good Googly Moogly" with Slayer's "Seasons of the Abyss" would be killer.
  14. Yeah, I've gotten that same crap in the mail over the years about my car. Joke's on them, though. We just renewed our extended warranty.
  15. All I know is I farted and I can't get up.
  16. Being sick sucks ass. I had to call into work today. I wish I hadn't, because, well, I've got a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. I don't plan on missing work tomorrow.
  17. It could be worse. It could be a bunch of Fuggs threads. (And only a couple people want that.)
  18. Portland won the Summer League. Hooray for them, I guess?
  19. I know the answer, but I'm not gonna say.
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