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Everything posted by DeadwingLazarus

  1. Last football/sports related meme. I promise. I had to post this because it's just too funny.
  2. Too late. Though I do prefer POD6. Always have.
  3. I just saw an advertisement for a sweet looking firearm that I want to get, but the damn thing cost at least $4800. I guess I’ll stick with my Hi-Point.
  4. Well kiss my grits and call me slap nuts.
  5. The manufacturer is usually a great source for what you're looking for. It just depends on whether or not you're willing to spend even more money to break in your glove.
  6. Walter...What are you doing, man?
  7. You might as well start flexing it a little, broheim. The more you flex it, the looser it becomes. Again, that's primarily how I broke mine in.
  8. Also, I could get a hold of my first cousin once removed on my dad's side for you. He used to play and his son is currently in the San Francisco area playing summer ball. His son also pitched for the University of Houston and just recently graduated. I know they have some pointers on how to break in a brand new baseball glove. Just let me know and I'll send you his info via Facebook.
  9. It depends. If you plan on using it, do what mthor suggested. I always put a baseball in it and wrapped it when it wasn't in use. (I broke my latest and most favorite glove, a Rawlings Ken Griffey, Jr. outfielder's glove, in by just using it, flexing it as much as I could before and after playing catch with my older brother Teddy. It was a real pain to do so, but it made my left hand stronger and I started catching the ball much better. )
  10. If I have to wait over two and a half decades for it, you can wait, too. đŸ˜¡ đŸ¤£
  11. That's what I'm counting on. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! In all seriousness, may President Biden have a swift and speedy recovery.
  12. Ketchup does not belong on a hot dog, in my opinion. (But I'm not the on eating it so whatever, mate.) Now then, does anybody marinate their frankfurters/weiners before cooking them like I do? I've been known to make a quasi-brine with either Tony Chachere's Bold Creole Seasoning or some Slap Yo' Mama Hot Blend Cajun Seasoning for added flavor.
  13. Test came back negative for COVID. The funny thing is I haven't had a fever.
  14. Nice double entendre though.
  15. Which is exactly why I switched. I am smarter than I come off sometimes, you know.
  16. I'm sorry, y'all, but the kind I wear don't constrict my balls all that much. It literally feels like I'm not wearing underwear. (I wear Reebok sports performance boxer briefs, for the record.)
  17. I wear boxer-briefs. I'm allowed to be free-flowing while wearing underwear. No tighty-whiteys for me.
  18. That face you make when you let out a massive fart and you're comfortable with yourself to not care if other people notice.
  19. Jesus Christ Almighty! This is why I hate DLC.
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