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Everything posted by DeadwingLazarus

  1. All I know is if a hot dog comes with ketchup, I'd rather have it naked.
  2. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and my primary care physician will most likely order a rapid COVID test for me. He's pretty cool.
  3. You know what they say when you assume things, right? You make an ass out of you and me.
  4. Yes, that's right.
  5. Joke's on you. I've never been in trouble with the law either.
  6. It was based on Le Morte d'Arthur by Thomas Malory, with some changes to the story for, you know, Hollywood and stuff. Also, the movie's also known for launching the careers of now-prominent Irish and British actors like Liam Neeson, Patrick Stewart, Gabriel Byrne, and Ciarán Hinds, just to name a few.
  7. I don't drink or do any drugs whatsoever.
  8. Those guys at FLYTE beat me to the patent for the levitating ball!
  9. Oh, I'm just a sneaky little devil!
  10. Actually, ask Buddy or Sawdy what happened earlier. I've gotta get back to work.
  11. I was giving you a compliment, sir. >_>
  12. I hope Santa brings me some catnip this year.
  13. Ah, yes. The classic is back. Rules: Please keep it cordial. No flaming, please. And please try to keep from spamming. (I'll do my best to not spam the thread as well.) This is the first post so I won't be able to say anything. The next person will actually start the game.
  14. I have never played minecraft, but have been tempted to many times since getting on Steam.
  15. That's pretty neat! I've never seen one before.
  16. I know, and it is most certainly appreciated. I'm just not feeling like myself right now.
  17. I've got a doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow, in case you're wondering.
  18. I've tested myself twice and it was negative both times.
  19. I have a summer flu bug that's really kicking my butt. I need to get some sleep, but I can't because I'm working. fml
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