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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. What is with your incessant need to be right in a situation that doesn't need anyone to be right about anything? It kinda shows your insecurities in your arguments, actually, it was a different story. Also remember how I said I knew it was about ass for awhile? He meant that he doesn't care as a friend, or at all. And his roommate, who is also a friend and classmate hates me too. Your arguing style reminds me a lot of Ben Shapiro and camo guy. >__>
  2. I’m so happy I did not sleep him. I thank whoever, I never made that mistake. 😂
  3. How dare you! *smiles awkwardly*
  4. For real! I keep telling myself this but it's hard work. lol Thinking about buying that book, "The art of not giving a fuck" cause I really have trouble in that area. 😂
  5. I mean, I be tripping sometimes too, I guess I wouldn't want someone to out me because I made them feel a certain way. Idk, I'm always in the mind of others. I need to be focused on caring for myself.
  6. I appreciate any well wishes or prayers from people. Even if I don't fully believe in it, I also know that I don't know shit about the universe so who am I to say what helps and what doesn't? lol Thank you ❤️
  7. That’s the worse part. We met at system impacted prep class where all of us had some kind trauma in life and had to overcome a lot to get into this school. I would love to tell the instructor about this guy, but they are close friends, this guy is a mentor for other students in class. Saying something could ruin his life, and I don’t want that. But I also think he shouldn’t be around other women.
  8. I wish that was the case, but he knows how to write code better, he gets multiple cS tutors, his roommate is one, and I’m alone with this shit like everything in life. Lol The only thing I am, is mentally stronger than his weak ass. I’ve always had to be. I’m used to people treating me like shit, everyone ganging up on me. It’s the same story since middle school and high school. But today, I felt some strength thinking, “Remember how helpless you were as child when everyone hated you, remember that sad, abused little girl Jackie? You are so much stronger than back then, and you owe it to her to fight back this time. You already made it at this school, now fight for her sake” I know it sounds lame, but I can’t repeat the mistakes of my past, and someone has to stand up for me, even if it’s me.
  9. Hopefully these vibes are for the long run, cause I don't feel much down here right now. lol
  10. Lets just say on Vday, we were hanging out, a fight broke out, and I got him to admit that he doesn't care about me. And this has been bothering me for awhile, so much so, that I left at 2am to walk home from his place cause I just hate hanging out with people who don't like me. Anyways, mentioned it to him today, and of course he got upset, started texting his roommate all these bad things about me, so now she hates me. lmaooooooo I mean I saw that one coming a mile away, I knew she liked him even though she already has a partner. But today I asked him if he wanted to work on the project in my room, to which he said he didn't think he could not concentrate in my room. Now, I had 4 wisdom teeth removed Wednesday, kinda in some extreme pain, thought, "hey if a friend cares, they would make the walk". Instead of me ALWAYS walking back and forward from his place, especially at night. Well, we he said he didn't want to, I kinda snapped, and tried to explain myself but now everyone hates me like always. So we are in a place not so new, thinking of switching around my classes, cause honestly it just hurts how little I mean to people. Especially when they get to know me. lmaoooo
  11. Is there yackbox tonight?
  12. Of your exes? lol if so please mother fucking kill me
  13. No he was just being an asshole. I don't care about pain, kinda feel like dying right now anyways
  14. Well that makes me feel better >_> It just sucks cause I have to appologize to people the next day
  15. I have eczema. It can be inflamed by the sun but really a lot things can trigger eczema like fragrances lotions, stress, hot water etc. I used to scratch my eczema till it bleeds but it was mostly on my elbows and knees lol. But my face is puffy cause I had my wisdom teeth pulled out. >_>
  16. I guess. When I take other drugs that disorient me I don’t always act so mean, I just think if the drug tends to affect mood I tend to get angry. >_>
  17. Technically I do, except it's the story where I fail all the time, and really I'm the mess that needs to get my life together.
  18. Recent pic of me and my room. My face looks even puffier now >_>
  19. fapraku4656
  20. Had all four of wisdom teeth pulled out yesterday, hurt like a bitch afterwards by then they gave me some hydrocodone which worked decent enough. But after the procedure, it seemed like the dentist was lying to me saying I had to wait 3 weeks until I could smoke again. And honestly the thought of someone lying to me really pisses me off, I think it's a waste of time because lies tend to be known later on. I just left in a hurry only to find out I could technically smoke 3 days after the procedure, then I just started smoking then because I was so fucking pissed off. And I was thinking I don't care if I get an infection or die. I then got into an argument with my chaperone picking me up from the dentist and later the cops. >__> The cops did nothing because I was letting blood fall out of my mouth like a crazy person and they could see I wasn't in the right mental state. <__< This isn't the first time I have woke up from anesthesia angry either. Honestly, I think any drug or treatment that has a side effect that effects mood swings, will ALWAYS effect me. I noticed that's where I tend to have any changes happen to me on new medications or sicknesses. I'm too in my feelings lol.
  21. Yes and he ignored me for 24hrs 😭
  22. I think a lot of people like to play with these apps but it's a whole nother game when you actually message people. I know a lot of girls who just look but never message anyone.
  23. Were single? How long ago was this?
  24. I tried to be upfront on my profile, I mention m interests and also that I'm a big nerd that likes anime and conventions. XD I posted pics of my travels and cosplay. 🤣
  25. 🤣🤣🤣 I feel so nervous cause a lot of people my age are grad students or higher and I'm still an undergrad. >__> But Idk, I am thinking of messaging him back can't think of anything to say other than talking about school. >__>
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