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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Yeah pretty much. I have a strong need for a guy to take care of me possibly because my father abandoned my family at a young age. But it's weird as time flies I find I am stronger than a lot of men. >__>
  2. Followed by a "What are the odds of us going out soon?" I'll myself out ๐Ÿ˜‚
  3. What heck should I say? How do I open up this convo? He I see you and I go to the same school, but I'm still an undergrad? >__>
  4. The statistics to what? lol
  5. Currently not in anyones hands. ๐Ÿ™ Also
  6. Why are you posting my life story like this
  7. Bumble is a dating similar to tinder, except women have all the powah!!! Basically, once you get matched with someone that likes your profile, it's up to you to start the conversation that way women aren't bothered by a lot of messages from men. But they only give you 24hrs to do it OR you can pay more for more time. >__> Also I don't know what classes he teaches, just that he is a lecturer for statistics and I need like 3 specific statistics classes for a data science minor. lol
  8. I don't think this will help my daddy issues. ๐Ÿคฃ But at same he does seem intriguing...lmao if I don't message the person in 24hrs then I have to get them to reswipe me again. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Technology is ridiculous
  9. And I got matched with one of the lecturers (instructors) on campus! ๐Ÿ˜‚ He teaches statistics and I am planning on taking statistics >___> I'm too afraid to message him but we are the same age! lmao ๐Ÿคฃ
  10. I HOPE IT'S FUCKING FANTASTIC CAUSE YOU DESERVE GOOD TIME!!! And that you have a great week and good things come your way!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  11. I haven't gone in like 11 years since this year. XD I had 4 fillings, and now I gotta get my wisdom teeth pulled out. >__> May the force be with us all. >_<
  12. He honestly reminds me a lot of my abusive mom in how they have conversations. It's been a little triggering lately and I've been meaning to find the right time to bring it up. I was only able to build some kind of analyzing skill because I would always wonder why she would act the way she did, and I definitely see a pattern now.
  13. Maybe if you don't fuck them and genuinely try to be that sister like friend? Idk, stay tuned to find out. >__>
  14. Well he just said he loved the movie but did empathize with Ozymandias in Watchmen. XD
  15. Here's to hoping I survive the semester! ๐Ÿ˜‚ He said he likes the American Psycho and there was part where we were talking about a guy killing a girl because he turned him down and I did that. <__<
  16. Close, he used to be in opoids, then dropped but he definitely is a nicotine addict always using his vape.
  17. As much as this guy likes to think he is a logical debater, he totally isn't. XD And looking back I actually appreciate our debates in comparison. I think this guy just really loves defending the people who watches on youtube all day. Which makes sense, but it's frustrating cause he will never hear out my points and has his mind made up before I even speak.
  18. How I wanna be sometimes lol
  19. lol I love how we really never get each other's references.
  20. I would love to share my weed with you.
  21. I have been trying but he likes to get passionate when he argues and kinda aligns everything he hates with the left on me. And takes his frustrations on me.
  22. I should but he has shared his weed with me before and I want him to give me more. lol >__>
  23. OH my god this is great!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
  24. I always feel flattered, but feel also forever alone when I never run into people my age. There is suppose to be a grad student in the anime club that transferred from MIT around my age but haven't met him yet.
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