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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Don't eat a puppy
  2. Is better than Facebook At least on here I can mention it without feeling guilty about a family member worrying about me
  3. No, you can't just pop a test on someone like that!
  4. Then wondering why no one is noticing you
      • 1
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  5. Interesting
  6. Nostalgia Overload
  7. Almost nothing here
  8. You didn't read all of what he said
  9. Oh... yeah? Nerd!! I'm sorry you aren't a nerd
  10. You don't even post on here that often how is your reputation so much higher than mine?
  11. It Khaury
  12. So I just cut the white part May have been stress related
  13. That weird one were that guy made the really long OP about energy and probably thought he being profound but was really being extremely incoherent You called him a New Type and he got really mad about it
  14. You were tagged my name was next to yours
  15. @TrigunBebop The person tagged you as well It was weird right?
  16. I got tagged in something Not sure what it was But it happened
  17. That is just propaganda spread by sheep!
  18. The strangest erection you've ever gotten in your life
  19. We've become vampires 0,_,0
  20. lol yeah it's not because this place has been dead for years or anything
  21. I forget which card my sister for our trip got but I'll ask and let you know
  22. Rome is gross I prefer Split
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