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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Context?
  2. But can it forgive?
  3. We'll I did literally said I would be
  4. Interesting insight
  5. JeNewBee


    Glad it left a good memory for you
  6. This place has been pretty empty lately Also I have to finally start working on moving forward in my life It been fun and I wish you all the best So bye! See ya tomorrow!
  7. JeNewBee


    Spray on but yeah What of it?
  8. JeNewBee


    @GunStarHero I am sorry for making shout out threads to female board members and it won't happen again. Wait? FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  9. Now I'm sad great Stupid thread is stupid What did I ever do to you? I never had a lost puppy shtick and I've never tried to get into anyone's pants! Yeah I did try and add people on social media and yeah I could be kind of pathetic socially but I think I've improved
  10. But now I just don't know if it will ever be how it was before
  11. Naw this was the extent of what I was doing @GunStarHero
  12. Yeah? Seems difficult.
  13. Okay how was your day?
  14. @Death_is_coming doesn't get enough praise around here She's Amazing
  15. Judging as an outside observer @lupin_bebop is the true alpha in this thread @Zenigundam stating his dislike for the work "fucking" shows a frailty. Makes it seem as if the harass word hurt him which no true alpha would let such a thing effect him in such away. Also him constant describing himself pinning other men to the ground is bogus bluster and may hint at him wanting more man intimacy in his life
  16. Do you guys play shows in Sacramento?
  17. Facebook gave me a notification that said it It said Sacramento band BadCannon has an announcement Below that it had your bio saying you are from Fresno
  18. No lol it says you guys are from Fresno but currently in Sacramento @Doom Metal Alchemist
  19. Didn't realize you guys are currently based in my town So new front man?
  20. Young man, Language!
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