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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Actually it all depends on the situation Owning a black cat is good luck It depends on which side it crossed your path also I can't remember exactly but I believe left to right is good luck
  2. Have to have the vet check it out Hopefully he won't need to have another one This is by far the most expensive dog I've owned so far
  3. He is, he is just trying to do a double bluff to get people off his scent
  4. Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub, Wub
  5. I've heard they prefer to be called Autobots or Decepticons Just informing you so you don't sound so offensive in the future
  6. Yep My Sinuses and Adenoids are messed up right now so worse than usual
  7. I'm the bouncer of my own pity party and none of your are allowed in
  8. 😍
  9. To find ghost?
  10. And instruct someone to bury all my valuables including money in one And my body in the other Who ever digs up my stuff gets it Who ever digs up my body goes to prison
  11. Oh I am
  12. Shouldn't this thread have a poll?
  13. I could really give 2 shits about people's clothing preferences As long as it doesn't make me look like a murderer I'm good
  14. As someone who just recently started wearing black tank tops I really hope this isn't a common thought But they have been really comfortable on these hot days 😥
  15. Middle Ear infection, Sinus Inflammation and Adenoids But got my meds today
  16. No it's stats were way worse
  17. And the horse I had is gone Got replaced with a entirely different horse
  18. No it had that effect on someone else is what I was saying
  19. In text form
  20. No fun
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