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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Garbage life
  2. Do we have a past?
  3. You know the word you are looking for is quit and not quite right?
  4. Yes but quietly
  5. Is that a song as well? If so where geographically would it happen?
  6. In a bar while two people are having an argument would start a fight? And if so what would geographically location of said bar be?
  7. There is a scene in Dragonball where he tries to rest his head to sleep on Bulma's lap while she is sleeping But is shocked to discover no balls and investigates further by pulling off her pants and patting on her vj which wakes her up in a rage So no rape but semi-sexual assault I mean nothing really sexual about it on his end but still inappropriate and charges would stick if reported to authorities
  8. Just a loud one
  9. At least yours was almost realistic
  10. A Mutant/Superhero I wanted more than life could ever grant me
  11. Around 5:30am to whenever I wake up
  12. What conversation?
  13. Was that the hours?
  14. Sorry this was already our theme song
  15. lol auto fill
  16. Go strong You have any questions about the end Go strong You have any plans tonight Go strong You know I think it was it out and about to get the one Go strong You know I was the one that has to get it out and about you have to get to get a chance Go strong You can you have to get a way of your life to the same thing in this is it a lot better Go strong You can see it out and about the photo shoot for me a pic and the right to me know when I think it was like a plan Go strong I just a little better now I'm going with you have to me know when you're ready
  17. Give me d'em digits
  18. Alright I might have the best story by far. So today as I was at the store. As I was perusing the aisles, Something caught my eye, a red box with a picture of cheese on the front. A little snack you all might know of called Cheez It. I picked up the box and went to the register. Paid for them then I was on my way. As I get home I walk over to tv remote grab it. I sit down and open up the box of cheesy cracker goodness. Switch on the tv and veg out while eating for a bit. But next thing I notice as I put my hand in the box. Empty, I had eaten the WHOLE box!!! I told you all I had a ring dinger!
  19. http://a.co/9MzxVnZ
  20. Is this just a clever way to let everyone on here know you had sex recently? Or did a condom actually break?
  21. Toothpaste is for cleaning there for it is not dirty
  22. JeNewBee


    Nothing I'm surveying others @Adminderaptorpat
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