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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/investigations/3news-investigates-exclusive-interview-family-jayland-walker-killed-gunfire-8-akron-officers/95-22ec5242-a724-440b-b0ef-4e5590e6330e traffic stop, turns into a car chase, which evolves into a foot chase… cops shot 90 bullets, hit him sixty times..cops said they feared for their lives anyways, they cancelled fireworks because of this, stating they don’t have much to celebrate these days… orrrrrr… they are afraid of the rage and anger from the community and this is their best attempt to curb it.
  2. Where all the white women at?
  3. Wouldn’t be the worst moderation performed here
  4. IMG_3009.MP4
  5. Terrific Tom is fucking ready in Florida!!
  6. Matriarch society ftw
  7. I swear to fucking god I will brain the next mother fucker that sends and email with a return receipt and then calls me and asks if I got their email… executives on notice
  8. “Remember me” literally can’t even
  9. Just getting through the week so I can sleep this weekend. I can’t hang like I used to and god damn my body hates me after that weekend.
  10. IMG_2958.MP4
  11. Sawdy


    Let’s call the whole thing off
  12. Sawdy

    Final Fantasy VI

    I can hear this image
  13. IMG_2948.MP4
  14. Why are we trying to help this piece of shit again?
  15. You don’t know what memes are, huh?
  16. So, legend of the mystical ninja always sits with me as some of the best times I had playing back in the day. It definitely hit as a Friday night, pepperoni pizza kinda chill night.
  17. Hope you get that stick out of your ass
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