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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. Sounds like something a “Becky” would say
  2. Call me Mint jelly, cuz I’m on the lamb!
  3. I swear to fucking god
  4. @katt_goddess, she’s usually on around 5pm est… according to my time cards I have for them
  5. Get fucked Karen 😎
  6. Thank goodness gunner is here and can talk some sense in that insane crap. Humility goes a long way.
  7. Nah, it’s cool. I appreciate you. We shall see if katt reaches out, I would expect some clarity.
  8. Dude is soft, he must feel silly to get it so wrong. hope he finds the help he needs tho, I’m concerned
  9. We all know what went down, just another example of a wreck loose with mod powers all up in their feels… power tripping because they can’t control shit in their real life
  10. Oh I know I didn’t tell him to kill himself, because if I was going to tell anyone… it wouldn’t have been him
  11. Nope, clu is permabanned and saw is banned till august 23…
  12. They unlocked it
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