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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. I’d love some sleuth to do a couple year side by side shots of his appearance… he just looks meth’d out at this point… this doesn’t look like cocaine really…
  2. At least his heart will explode soon…. That’s something… right?
  3. More context -
  4. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/queen-funeral-procession-coffin-spider-b2170309.html Best thing about following any of this today… this fucking spider hitched a ride and is likely buried with her majesty….. he/she will dine on her body and come back…. And… so it begins…
  5. Also, that’s a real nice tri-fold
  6. I wouldn’t say, “fake”, as the Martha’s Vineyard number on that brochure is correct… 🤐
  7. IMG_3847.MOV
  8. Not if you tell your boss to go fuck themselves and then go and fuck their husband or wife…. promoted to customer.
  9. 45… the answer is 45…. dude looks like he’s going to die in 3 months
  10. Burt Gummer reporting for duty!
  11. Russians cutting a Z on to a dogs nose…. Totally not monsters IMG_3813.MOV
  12. Fetterman will be fine. I live here… trust me.
  13. Relax Sponge. you’re all up on blowing your wad. relax.
  14. Elon sent a cum shot from 34 million miles away
  15. So… what did you get in to?
  16. https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-tells-putin-finalize-plans-nuclear-strike-nato-1743424?amp=1
  17. The perfect shower curtain doesn’t exi….
  18. If you’ve never been to Martha’s Vineyard, and I’m assuming you haven’t… they will love them there because they all employ them to take care of their shit properties… sadly…. marthas vineyard and Nantucket is one of the best examples of the haves and have nots in their little worlds
  19. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/fbi-arrests-ex-kansas-police-detective-long-accused-sexually-preying-b-rcna47959 well, this guy is a monster
  20. https://www.thelostogle.com/2022/09/15/wrecked-semi-shoots-load-of-dildos-and-lube-all-over-i-40/
  21. ….. dude is spittin IMG_3730.MOV
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