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Everything posted by scope

  1. scope

    I'm Tangry

    Can't imagine losing sleep over fictional characters...
  2. Well do you have a AAA card?
  3. It means that your car battery is dead.
  4. Windex destroys DVDs more than scratches do.
  5. Now there's only 364 days this year you have no excuse for not going outside.
  6. Should have filmed it, coulda made it on Tosh.0
  7. So I guess Xbox Live is good for something other than over charging for their service.
  8. Looks painful, how did you do that?......I've made a lot more yellow snow over the years than I have red snow.
  9. Of those two I vastly prefer shoegaze
  10. Lining their own pockets of course which I don't blame them for, if they promote anime they only get a fraction of the proceeds, Samurai Jack on the other hand is a Williams Street production
  11. Racist banner
  12. Your cousin is Michael Strahan?
  13. You're just supposed to give them a little whiskey.
  14. Yeah me either, I just use this site for it.
  15. Tokyo Ghoul huh? Maybe the worst show I've heard about them airing since Akame ga Kill
  16. It stands for being a moron.
  17. Crying racism every time you experience a minute hardship like stubbing your toe makes YOU seem like the racist.
  18. Bet no one is talking about it partially because the Switch sold out so fast, I haven't played it yet but based on the gameplay I've seen it looks like there's a vast amount of shit you can do in it.
  19. Thuman vs. Garcia was a snooze fest.....I think Brook vs. Spence has potential to be really good though.
  20. I tried already but it reminded me too much of my grandmother
  21. What One Piece hentai is this from?
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