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Everything posted by scope

  1. Yeah I go from checking out to checking back in, the struggle is real
  2. I'm half joking, I have a love-hate relationship with sports, I can find them real exciting or sometimes pretty dull, but I'm still a fan. It's hard to fully get into by the year when my teams are just dreadful, I'm sure I'd be still excited for them if I was a Warriors or Patriots fan but I'm a Knicks and Eagles fan :::
  3. All you need to know about them is they suck and they're boring to watch.
  4. When I used to work retail pharmacy I was on a phone call with a dude with a real abrasive personality, we were taught we had to answer with bs corporate "Thank you for calling CVS we have flu shots blah blah blah" so I would rattle it off quickly cus it was annoying to say. This man didn't understand it and responded with "How the hell did you just answer the phone?" I was taken aback so I just said "what?" he repeated it in the same aggressive tone and I said "I picked it up" I was pleased with my answer and his reaction, I don't think he was very pleased with my answer.
  5. Also, strange to see Dave with a full beard, looks like a skinny Santa
  6. I agree on Norm, I think he's great as pigeon but sometimes I find him super annoying. I think the issue with him is that he seems open to do whatever, which is a bad recipe for consistency. Like everyone loves De Niro (me included) but lets face it he's in some pretty awful movies nowadays. :::
  7. Seven Deadly Sins is dope but it needs a second season, I don't think it would get views on Toonami like My Hero Academia would right now, I don't really agree with it and I could still enjoy either but the fact is the anime community has a very "what have you done for me lately" mentality, these shows just don't have longevity over here like American dramas that stay popular for over a decade and airing anime takes a different approach that none of these companies are executing.
  8. The fact you take offense to his general statement is telling.
  9. They both commit suicide by airing shows that are old news.....it's a slow suicide but guaranteed.
  10. This....Sansa didn't deny it when Jon said she sounded like she admired Cersi
  11. scope


    In the beginning there was nothing, and then a voice was all like "we need a thing"
  12. I think the issue is more that no one is a match for Lomachenko at Featherweight so he's gotta move up, but then the best Lightweights wanna move up to Welterweight cus of the action and attention there....thankfully, Mikey Garcia says he wants Loma but then he also seems open to the idea of moving up to Welter....
  13. Kinda felt bad for Marriaga tbh.....really want to see Loma vs Rigo but I think Rigo is too small =/
  14. If season 2 aired a year or so after the first AoT would still be HUGE Also, those don't look like cameos so much as references....Easter Eggs
  15. RIP Darren Daulton
  16. What have you done with the real Packard?! ::: :::
  17. It was the 90's...they were a simpler time.
  18. We flood the market with something we can't expect there to be a particularly high demand for it.....basic economics....sexonomics
  19. Too true but also our own fault bc a lot of us would offer our dicks for less than a stick of gum.
  20. scope


  21. Really Dany's pride got the best of her here, she had already won the battle, burnt what looked like at least 70 percent of their troops and resources. When the first shot missed with the look on her face she knew it was a threat but decided to attempt to eliminate it when she could have just pulled back and made it a war of attrition and let them fizzle out. She'd have been able to scour the area and learn more about the weapon anyways....it's not like the few that would retreat would be able to take that shit with them.
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