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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. every time i look in the mirror im like god damn
  2. 2D characters from cartoons and novels made in vietnam
  3. 3's my favorite so i wanted to put that, but then i remembered i really love 2 as well, but 1 was amazing too and i can't pick just one lol
  4. pretty hard tbh skins- best written show yu yu hakusho- there's just something about it that has stuck with me since i first saw it on [as]. the ost, atmoshphere, setting, characters, story; everything about it just works seamlessly and flows together so perfectly. even the op and ed's are 11/10. the first 3 silent hill games life is strange mbv and slowdive, really, shoegaze in general. pre-1999 smashing pumpkins type-moon works crank- yeah it can be considered standard melodrama or w/e, but i really like the way it was written + the setting and tone of the story. wwe- even though i stopped watching it hardcore in late 2013, this was my shit for a good 12 years, punk's run from 2009 to 2013 was really special
  5. top 10 yyh flcl drrr bottom 10 one piece
  6. only place i'd go to at night is barnes and noble
  7. when was the last time cn aired foster's?
  8. says it's missing or off limits tbh
  9. one of mine was that one where the dude develops psychosis as the story goes on
  10. creepier than i remember
  11. back in my edgelord days i used to read up on creepy shows and movies, but this one was different cause it was supposedly a kids movie
  12. but im not? + im not a trump supporter
  13. the adventures of mark twain or something where the devil is this dude with a stick holding up a mask that's his face spooky shit, man
  14. moral orel is arguably one of the best written shows [as] ever put out this one episode that was really sad still sticks with me to this day i wish i could remember which one it was. i even made a thread on the boards after watching it the first time.
  15. do you have a single fact to back that up?
  16. hpy bday
  17. im about to name them all 1. obama 2. sam hyde 3. joe rogan 4. hilary duff 5. that hot girl from the cancun season of the real world 6. milo yiannopoullouopoulouski 7. tyra banks
  18. i can't tell if that dude posting that disapproves that he was the real westpark or just proves it
  19. we need a lot of people
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