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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. iirc, she cares about climate change told trump to calm down on his harassment of that mexican judge, cares about equality, supports paid maternity leave, and backs away from some trump's ultra conservative views.
  2. was gonna walk to the corner store to buy some vodka or rum but i got busy baking a pie and then got lazy when i was done.
  3. but trump being president doesn't really mean anti-gay laws will be instantly established maybe at worst it'll make some neo-nazis more vocal, but it won't make the whole country suddenly homophobic. i can't really see trump being dumb enough to cause tension for the lgtb community considering how progressive ivanka seems to be + he couldn't do that without it being met with a really negative response. the real problem i'd say is him appointing some apparently homophobic people for his cabinet, but from what little i know of politics, i don't think they'll actually cause any problems.
  4. but why if u dont mind me asking ive thought about ending it too a lot, but i never did, and i'm thankful i didn't even though things are really fkn shitty for me, it's bound to get better im sure it'll get better for u mate.
  5. it was pretty bad and my depression only got worse, but then i remember the cubbies won and im happy again <3
  6. >decide to tune in to toonami to see what's airing >it's dbz the first fucking animu i watch in 2017 is fucking dbz god fuckingv damn it
  7. like 25, but i never update it closer to 100-something
  8. how much better do older games look on it? had a big ass crt almost as tall as me but my parents threw it away. never got to play anyting on it sadly
  9. was in like scotland or something got into a fight with this host at a restaurant then asked her to ask some of the qties for their numbers for me went walking with 2 of them and dropped some tic tacs and found holes on the ground that had money in them it was dark af, so i just said lets go back, and i hear random talking turns out the money belonged to these dudes and they were coming to beat the fuk outta me i ran to the restaurant and then went back and jumped on table to punch the biggest one i kept running to other places so they would have to catch up, and eventually got two knives but didn't want to use them cause one of the guys looked like morgan freeman eventually somehow these dudes killed my family who was there and i was cornered in a small house, but luckily an fbi agent was also in the room dunno what happened next, but i remember the dream ending with me running off into a different part of the restaurant.
  10. what kind of classes were they? my school has music theory, appreciation, and some jazz classes it's not a lot, but luckily i have a music school near me that has cheap classes for production and audio engineering stuff
  11. quebecelegy

    Vidya Game Music

  12. quebecelegy

    Vidya Game Music

  13. dunno really write more see how long i last in college til i dropout take some mechanic and music courses hopefully make some music move to chicago for a while go to more concerts realistically though; ill probably just start a new job, quit after two months, blow through some savings, get another job, quit again, etc while i figure out what i want to do.
  14. what happened to crapshot? i know farnsworth kinda bailed after he was called a racist or something in one thread
  15. only kino games allowed
  16. and what are you doing for new years mine has been a strong 10 tbh i didn't really need anything for christmas but i got some vidya and parents told me they imported a vita, so it's all good.
  17. not rly tbqh just don't want to have a qt3.14 see me walk out of the theatre that's airing vietnamese cartoons
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