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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  2. idk mang i hadn't seen his twitter really closely, and i kinda still want to believe he's not actually nutty like that, but that the show was cancelled and he didn't go out of his way to backtrack on his alt-righty posts on twitter makes me think...
  3. i don't think they have that, but they have a math bootcamp you have to go to, but luckily you can take it at later semester
  4. pretty good honestly jules a qt apparently opheila is bryan cranston's daughter, wtf? was gonna post in the tv folder, but it's more active here idk
  5. on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it for someone as clueless as me
  6. brett gelman w/e his name is is the biggest fuckingv moron ive seen this past month fuck that dude for playing a part in getting the show cancelled i wasn't a huge fan of mde, cuz some of the skits were too weird/unsettling, but stuff like the tap water skit was some of the best comedy [as] had in the summer. the show was unique in the way it approached topics, and was actually funny at times which is more than i can say for most of the shit [as] has made the last year. but yah, fuck brett gelman. also Admin[/member], im only 80% sure, but i remember reading that sam isn't actually alt-right most of his stuff is satrical and a commentary on the alt-right
  7. their dumb as fuck and boring anyway lmao im dumb as fuck too, and know im gonna fail math, but im fine w/ that cause i don't care about not being allowed to register for any of those courses lol i was almost stressed out for a while there too phew
  8. [yt] [/yt] who up
  9. im probably just crazy or something
  10. sometimes if a song i really like that i've forgotten for a while starts playing in my head i find the motivation to get my workouts done lol back in october i had gone a while from not running but i heard know ya wrong from schoolboy q and ran for like 35 min. i was dying on the way home, but ya. this happens with movies or tv shows too. ive been writing since i was 13. and i was really bad at it, and stilll am, but less so. anyway, before i used to just sit down and write, but since i was about 15 i don't really do that that much i usually write only when i get inspired by something, but when i do i can write a crapton of stuff. i remember listening to eyelid movies in october and writing down like 10 poems/dumb ideas for songs. one other night in october i listenend to loveless and combined with how shitty i was feeling + other personal problems i wrote a lot too. and last year i wrote a ton of different ideas for a novel just from reading mahouyo lol. tl;dr im useless at writing/being productive unless i find inspirations from outside things video related:
  11. i was on my school's soccer team when i was 13 and didn't really have a reliable ride to and from games i had never missed a game or gottten late to one and was far and away the team's best midfielder srsly, i had like 10 assists in 6 games and i didn't really even care that much to play midfield cause i wanted to be a forward, but the coach said my passing and vision was the best on the team, and i didn't want to argue and was a little bit self-consicous about my ability to play forward compared to the starters who were older than me but w/e. so i get to a game late and ready to play, but the dumbfuck assistant coach refuses to let me start. he says i shouldn't have gotten late to the game, so i sit down on the bench ready to run the fuck away cause i was so mad ( i was a pretty hotheaded kid when it came to sports + my house was 15 min away) they end up losing the game like 1-4 and then they let the b teams play and the coach decides to make me play with them, im like w/e at this point and play but don't really care and we end up winning 1-0. i regret not pressing the coach to let me play. even as a fucking sub. 110% sure i would've won that game by myself and wouldn't have to be stuck with a 2nd place trophy. moral of the story fuck school coaches who do shit like this smfh. tl;dr: i was a pretty good soccer player as a kid best midfielder on my school team even though i didn't really care in most games cause i didn't want to play midfield always start and do great arrive late to one game, even though it hadn't started yet asshole coach decides to not start me team proceeds to get BTFO 1-4 and is eliminated
  12. i am the moon
  13. things are looking up Q1 2017, but it pretty much feels like we should've gotten a steady stream of good games by now.
  14. i remember being so excited for sony's ps4 reveal countless games have been let downs no reason to buy an xbone or ps4 until last year not enough new ips by this time last gen we had dozens of reasons to own a ps3 or 360 i dont remember why i made this thread, but i guess im just wondering where everything went wrong.
  15. that i am https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaya_Scodelario
  16. im too lazy to check if this was posted alraedy so w/e [yt] [/yt] don't listen much to doom but that sade sample, holy fuk.
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