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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. atleast you didn't have to face disappointment when you gave up
  2. i really hated basketball when i was a kid cause we got a new p.e. teacher when i was in 4th grade this motherfucker hated soccer for some reason like it probably became sentient; fucked his wife, killed his parents and shit in his wheaties or something, cause everyone begged him to play soccer and the school had the best team in the state, but w/e, he would flat out ignore like 20 kids wanting to play soccer so we'd play wack shit like basketball when the net is ridiculously high for 10 year olds. we even played flag football once in our little ass gym instead of using our soccer field lmfaoooo.
  3. that fits into general arts and crafts prob i used to really like painting i dont even know if i would call what i drew painting lol i was really bad, but i still liked doing it a lot.
  4. i went through all of those except vet seeing jarhead when i was like 10 scared me from that
  5. im suprised i never broke a leg or something with how much i played soccer back then at school during p.e., then practice, then games, and when i came home id play in my backyard for hours now that i think about it that last part's kinda sad
  6. why did you stop wanting to be a comedian
  7. i don't think i really thought about that outside of like summer/winter break
  8. ive heard vidya testing is a really bad job
  9. i wanted to be an s class demon like in yu yu hakusho when i was like 6 as i got older though being a soccer player was my #1 dream, but i got over that cause i realized i only wanted to play, not go training every day + move to a different country to make good money.
  10. ty ty im kicking myself for not learning about it sooner, but what are u gonna do. i think this one will be a little funner, and definitely not as soul crushing as working at a shitty restaurant lmfao
  11. im making almost twice as much as my old job + this one has actual benefits.
  12. this one's the airport one, there's like little boxes with earplugs all around the place lol
  13. it's the thought that counts
  14. inb4 it's a sting
  15. wow, dude congrats ill take 3 mcchickens, extra lettuce O0
  16. i sell meth and meth accessories
  17. dude said he'd called me after my background check was finished in one week, starting at $14/hr :beer: :beer: :beer:
  18. the worst episode was the one where the dude's driving his gf and their two newborns and he kicks her out of the car and drives off, comes back and they get into a small fight. i have no clue how the cameramen wouldn't intervene.
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