idk, how?
in what way does toonami today curbstomp early asa lineup
all shows on asa during 2003 were great and at worst watchable
toonami today has two good shows, one of which is relegated to a fucking dead slot
not even counting how badly one piece and shippuden drag the overall quality of toonami down
op alone brings drags down toonami from a 7/10
to a 2/10
my favorite toonami lineup was prob early 2014
if only instead of sao they had gotten f/zero it would've been 10/10
honestly, 2014 was probably toonami's best year in terms of getting really good shows and shows that made a bridge for casual viewers.
^that's you
here are some objectively true fax
geass is a good, if often overrated show
death note is amazing show for the first half.
like actually 10/10 worth, but struggles through the last 1/3
kekkaishi i liked and didn't mind, but was a weird choice over soul eater.
i should've known, ur just trallin
the cherry on top of all this is kaitlyn jenner's stance on gay marriage that has me fucking rolling on the ground in tears
how can you be so fucking bigoted when these are the people within the same community as you, all struggling to empower and help people with gender dysmorhpia issues like YOU
it's saddening knowing that all the hard work that so many people struggling to get into modeling do is for naught in comparison to the money and power of the kardashian™ name
they're as ignorant as it comes and the only reasonable person in the family, rob, is the one that gets fucked over the most cause of everyone else's seemingly non-existant empathy for family members that aren't in the same tax bracket.
>ASA was shit
he says, as he watches a lineup that's 90% trash with one piece, kai, that random gundam show that literally made me stop watching the last time i tried to watch toonami, and will watch db super which is a backhand slap to viewers, but everyone happily begs for more.
a very well informed opinion, zeni would you say the current toonami's lineup has shows that match the quality of late 02 asa with yyh, bebop, gundam, and outlaw star?
great shows but the poor lineup of the current toonami is really saddening tbh
especially if you're not wearing nostalgia goggles for dbz and gundam shouldn't even be called gundam