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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. pretty good hbu?
  2. it means if you know what i mean if you're catching what im throwing if you're picking up what im putting down gnome saiyan?
  3. idk i think pies have more variety in flavors or probably just have eaten some really shitty cakes cake batter is really good though like better than actual cake sometimes
  4. hi
  5. i wanna get a new perspective on my icon if you catch my 2011 mini cooper drift -_'
  6. what about
  7. <-
  8. i remember you i think
  9. i dont think i could pick now
  10. would you a arararararararagi?
  11. i thought it did one time, but i meant with the right lead in and promoting aot would've done a lot better. they did try somewhat to invest in the block more with space dandy, and it did pretty good, but i attribute space dandy not getting higher ratings to the show not being that great at action or comedy. one of the only ways i can see toonami getting 2m, is with db super and aot s2 back to back.
  12. i dont know if i wouldve bought a vita if i i couldn't hack it playstation tv is just kinda better 64 gb are like $100 last time i checked.
  13. i dont really care for extra airings tbh, i think it'd maybe even be a waste of money in toonami's current state now i haven't checked ratings in a long ass time so maybe this is all misinformed but really, what i've always wanted was for the block to start at 11. now that changed with all the shonen, so really it'd have to start at 10 i guess. back in 2014, i think was the best chance to make aot premiere at 11 and heavily promote it etc to cross over it's popularity to casual viewers, etc i forgot what the lead in was at the time, but i dont think its crazy to think aot could've gotten 2 million consistently with it's lead in. i doubt that there's many series that could match that, but [as] were never really on board with the toonami crew to make a concentrated effort to push toonami's popularity further anyway. i think it's reasonable to think that there's 2 million weebs in the u.s who don't really watch anything else, and if given the option would rather watch dub premieres the first 2-3 hours 11-2 instead of whatever comedy central, fx, or usa air and give you great ratings. we never really got that outside of 2014, which is a shame cause all things considered aot did really good.
  14. costs $$$, which [as] is more than willing to spend on dumb things but not on promoting a block you've never really given a fair chance at being really successful to begin with afaik
  15. is that really the only other show they've given a chance in 4 years holy shit' things are worse than i thought
  16. u are flip-flopping scum i present u the real leader of the alt-right about a couple of steps from being a full blown nazi
  17. i used to get 500kpbs
  18. switched to charter in december and was told i'd get atleast 60 mpbs i struggle to reach 50 consistently
  19. a real shame that the only shows that can grab a decent audience according to toonami and [as] execs are this and dbz awful
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW5ALR6ehdQ
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