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Everything posted by Real_AirCooledGirl

  1. No. Closest I've come was 25%, for exceptional service. I'm a flat tipper. You could be a dick or treat me like the late Princess Di and I'll still tip 20%. I used to work in restaurants and know firsthand how hard waitstaff work for the tips. I've even seen servers cry their eyes out because someone stiffed them. Have you ever read a book on a complicated subject (i.e., astrophysics) and came away understanding it despite have never taken a class in it before?
  2. I'll take the chili and hot dogs, but ixnay on the eesechay, thanks. Next time I have chili, I'd like to put Szechuan or ghost pepper sauce in it. If I can get my hands on Carolina Reapers, I'll put those peppers in it. It'll more than satisfy the heat cravings from the female hormones.
  3. It was raw? You sure? Maybe they put the bacon in the beans before cooking it all. Or they cooked it separately, then added it into the beans. Still makes me crave bacon and baked beans all the same.
  4. I didn't know about the girl in red question until I heard Dutchy mention it in one of her videos. As for my hormone doctor, she doesn't look any older than 40. But she does look pretty young. I'd say between 35-40, given how pre-med, med school, and residency take up the better part of a decade. Don't know how long she's been practicing medicine, though.
  5. I've sought advice from LGBTQ+ YouTubers such as TheChloeConnection, AshleyxAdamson, Alexis and Lilian, Dutchy, and some others in case any of them have been in my kind of situation before. I thought I'd ask here, too, just in case. I still feel like it'd be worth a shot as opposed to spending the rest of my life wondering what could have been. Back during my boymode years, there was this girl I had a huge crush on in high school. "Kylie" was this very beautiful biracial girl who graduated the same year I did. I always wanted to ask her out but was scared she'd turn me down for not being black. I was devastated when I learned she had a boyfriend. Shortly after we graduated, she got pregnant. I later bumped into her while working at a TGI Friday's. After I got off for the night, I had some drinks and spoke with her, her cousin (who was also one of our classmates), and a couple other friends from high school. I never told her how I felt about her during our high school years but I wouldn't be surprised if she knew anyway. The whole school knew I had the hots for her back then. But after catching up with her that night, I figure she'd have turned me down regardless. She's a Christian girl and I'm an atheist.
  6. For argument's sake, let's say that something did happen between my hormone doc and I. What if we told people we were married and she was my sugar mama or something? Would that work as a loophole? You think that would work? Maybe the thrill of breaking a taboo like that turns me on. I personally don't care what anybody thinks.
  7. If I'm going to wrap anything in bacon, it'd better come out crispy. My aunts, uncles, and I went to a restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner in 2019. I had bacon-wrapped shrimp as my appetizer. It was awesome.
  8. I didn't come up with LGBTQ+ slang and code phrases. Urban Dictionary even has an entry on the "girl in red" question. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Do you listen to girl in red%3F I've done a little nonverbal flirting, but I don't know if she noticed. Maybe, maybe not. You can only do so much when both of you have to wear masks.
  9. I could top if I have to between now and when I have bottom surgery. Either way, I could go for some sapphic lovin'. 😁 Since I started HRT, I realized that I never truly dated like a cis-het guy would. All my prior dating attempts were actually sapphic in nature.
  10. For me to be a sugar daddy, I'd have to be a guy. That's not the case with me. I'm the misidentified woman seeking a rich wife, not the rich guy looking for a trophy wife. And she makes more money than I ever did. Closest I've ever been to being rich was winning a settlement from a personal injury suit. That lawsuit was over injuries sustained in a scooter crash. The guy who hit me was a retired doctor who claimed it was a non-medical emergency with no injury to either party, so I sued his ass and collected a nice sum of money. Wish I got more money from it, though. But it was enough to buy a house, a double-wide mobile home. And I said "sugar baby" here. The short nails thing? I could be reading too much into it. But it's still a potential sign that she might be gay, if not bi or pan. And remember, I live in a very LGBTQ-friendly state, Delaware.
  11. Now that you mention it, that's possible. It's possible I could be reading too much into things. But still, if she asked me to be her sugar baby, I'd do it in a yoctosecond.
  12. I wasn't sure of any other way to put it. But I have told my gender therapist and both nurse practitioners I see about this. At least one of them could tell given how glowingly I talk about the good doc.
  13. You work as a nurse and have never heard of the Florence Nightingale effect? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florence_Nightingale_effect
  14. If I'm going to land me a wifey, I hope to hell I find a rich one or at least a high-earner. Sometimes I think I should go where the rich people are. I just don't want to go through the rest of my life wondering what could have been.
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