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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. They do sound similar but I remember hearing 'police girl' so many times in Crspin's voice when I was a kid that I cannot mistake it in any dub haha
  2. Definitely got pizzazzed last night. kinda hung over. My house is freezing right now haha
  3. I love me some Makers. I think I am prolly gonna go with Jamo cause I am feeling Irish tonight. It always makes me feel warm.
  4. fall 2022 Equinox was yesterday. Anyways, it is supposed to feel like it tonight on the east coast. Temps around me are forecast to get into the lower 40's so I guess we'll see. Not sure if I am ready for the cold but definitely over the excessive heat. Not sure about the rest of you but I am definitely getting into the whisky or scotch tonight.
  5. Happy bday. I turned 33 this summer. Live it up!
  6. Was reading about this yesterday. I do not have peacock though.
  7. They have sent you 20? I only ever got 5 dollars once like 4 months ago.. fuck, I could use the 20, that is like two weeks worth of beans and rice.
  8. Been thinking about taking a shower. We'll see..
  9. "I tell ya what I'd do man.. Two chicks at the same time man.' But really, so I have the power to do anything with no limits, parameters or restraints? Omnipotence? I would choose omniscience. And then I would know everything, even my own decisions. But I am omnipotent and all powerful. So I could choose to disregard my own decisions and choose something different than what I foretold. So then I would be able to negate my own omniscience and in turn negate my omnipotence and would ultimately shrivel into a singularity.. Yea, I will stick with two chicks at the same time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. Damn, that is sad. I have only read the manga so far but have been planning to get caught up with the anime soon. Guess I will stick with the subs when I do. Have they listed a replacement?
  11. I am definitely excited to see an hour long block of MiA to close out Toonami. I really like to new season and hope that they will get Dawn of the Deep Soul and maybe even season 2. Seems like things might be pointing more in that direction? Probably can't expect both but would still be nice. Also really excited about Housing Complex C next weekend. As I believe, it is an original, so I will be going into to knowing nothing aside from the PV's. Very excited to see some dark stuff airing on the block for the Halloween season!
  12. Saw the new PV this morning. Looks good. Supposed to have 12 episodes, each with their own unique ED animations and music I believe. I really like CSM manga and it seems they are really going all out with this one so I am eagerly awaiting.
  13. While waiting between the trickle of MiA chapters, I am currently going through Frieren: Beyond Journeys End again in preparation for the anime adaptation. Also been casually reading Dai Dark as the scans come out, which I absolutely love.
  14. I binged all of Edgerunners yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. Back to watching A Certain Scientific Railgun season 1 episode 19.
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