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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. The animation is really good. Better than I expected. Really liking it so far. It seems to balance eeriness with beauty rather well. Definitely liking the first episode thus far!
  2. Dude, I want some shaved ice or Italian ice now..
  3. I like the colors so far. The animation is pretty.
  4. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year as well!
  5. Here we go! Stoked for this one, hope its good!
  6. It is a local restaurant but I always sit at the bar. They have the best prime rib - so much better than places like Texas Road House. That is what I got haha
  7. I am actually really excited to see this. I love darker anime in the fall time and around Halloween. Kinda wish Halloween was on a Saturday this year but oh well. Hopefully Housing Complex C does well enough to stick around but it seems as if almost nothing is safe..
  8. Finishing up work. Cannot decide of I want to walk down the block to the bar and get a steak or just order delivery. Definitely not cooking because I feel lazy after work. I am becoming a shut in..
  9. Seinfeld! Currently on the first episode of season two!
  10. Oof, didn't see it. Guess it makes more sense over there anyways.
  11. Stay safe to anyone down there in Florida, especially the western coast. Windspeed Probability Cones
  12. Do I want a Twix or a Snickers?
  13. Oh hell yea. I got HiDIVE a while ago but lately I have only been watching a handful of things on it. This will definitely give me something else to add to the list. I hope that they can pick up more good stuff but it could just remain a slow trickle for them. I don't know, just my opinion on them. I still pay the subscription haha
  14. I was able to make it through the block before passing out haha MiA is one of those shows that I feel just gets better with each episode.
  15. Well that is it for MiA and Toonami this weekend. I am going to watch the rest of [as] on the sofa. Ill prolly be online for a while but could fall asleep basically whenever haha
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