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Everything posted by atomicinumatt

  1. Yea I read about this earlier. I can still watch it on crunchy but it is doubtful that it will come to Toonami. Maybe after a bit of time but who knows.
  2. This would be amazing haha get Dawn of the Deep Soul on the block with limit ads. It may be a long shot but I still have hope that they will get S2 and maybe even the movie.
  3. Binged most of Call of the Night last night Gonna watch the dubs for SPYxFAMILY cause I have only seen the subs thus far. Don't hate me, i enjoy dubs too haha I am excited for S2!
  4. Hm, I wonder what this decision is for. Kinda surprised they would do less ads.
  5. The first episode and the preview for E2 have me intrigued. Sad it is only going to be four episodes though..
  6. How have you been doing?
  7. It has been forever since I have last taken one. I need to get out of the country for a few weeks..
  8. Meh have it, movies waste to much budget (if we even have one..)
  9. Just another twist of the downward spiral huh?
  10. I am doing good. Could use a vacation but it is the weekend now so good enough.
  11. Finally starting Call of the Night. I really liked the manga and the atmosphere it creates (I have always been a night owl preferably) and have only heard good things about the anime now that it is out so I figured I should binge it over the weekend.
  12. Promised Neverland and Housing Complex C mini marathons for Halloween? I will take it! Plus the hour long Made in Abyss Season 1 Finale to close out the block the weekend before on the 22nd. PN (Season 1 at least..) and MiA are some of my favorite shows, so I am pretty excited for these couple of blocks, especially since it is almost Halloween! Kinda has me wondering if Toonami will bring PN back to the block and will start with the first four episodes of S1? I would be really happy if that were the case but I will not get my hopes up. We will see I guess, but I will certainly take whatever we can get!
  13. Bondrewds arc, the Idofront arc is adapted in the 3rd movie but Srajo has just been introduced in the latest manga chapter
  14. Alright guys, I am gonna go into a coma now. Have a good night everyone. Cannot wait for more MiA and Toonami next weekend. Seeya then!
  15. Bondrewds arc has ended and Srajos has just started. I botched that other post. Oof
  16. Bondrewd has already had his arc and Srajo has just started theirs
  17. I mean he is cool and all but I can never forgive him for what he did the bun.
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