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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. So many people think he is doing this on purpose to sink the site and it's like... he spent 44 billion dollars to buy Twitter. He tried to get out of it and was forced into it. He is so desperate to squeeze blood out of a stone that he's going to risk scaring off everyone else who stayed as he turned the site into 4chan. Fucking HELL
  2. I will literally delete my account if he starts charging everyone
  3. Legit an impeachment means nothing
  4. I really should start posting here again lol Thanks for the shout-out! ❤️
  5. I don't think Biden has the power to do this either and this definitely feels like a short term move that wasn't fully thought out. The GOP was going to block this in Congress no matter what and the right wing majority Supreme Court was not going to let him extend his executive power. Politics fucking suck.
  6. Same. Gemusetto had the same energy as PHF and I love that too
  7. Oh yeah. People HATED milk chan. This was around the time of "AS never adds new anime it's always Inuyasha reruns"
  8. Hello fellow 33yo and former AD comrade
  9. Yeah I basically stopped posting around 2012 and then I came back in 2016 to glance around and I was just fucking devastated to see the Reddit-like layout and the archives gone. Thank Christ for Wayback Machine preserving some of it.
  10. Action but I dabbled in OA. I would post in IB to pad out my post count until I got OOTO But yeah AD are my people
  11. Never Forget
  12. Zenigundam you freaking weirdo
  13. I came back when it was reddit and had a heart attack
  14. I don't think Trump is worried about DeSantis who he is now calling Rob. Gonna be quite a primary.
  15. You work with what you got and we were able to do quite a lot with what we had at our disposal not for nothing.
  16. I remember when they started allowing us to submit our own icons, that was such a game changer. So many of us got so into it. I actually was backing up my Photobucket and I stumbled across the ol' icons I made in MS Paint. I really enjoyed how Trunks's thread was the main hub in Action Discussion. It was the main place most of us would go back to outside of AIM to discuss the block. I also missed how competitive things got for posting episode threads and how there could be only ONE per episode every week. Designing an episode thread was what gave me my first experience in HTML funny enough.
  17. 11-06-2004 06:53 PM
  18. Yeah fr. Everyone thought you were Zeni pretending to be a naive kid
  19. Well well well if it isn't Alastour
  20. I did in fact crosscheck that
  21. I remember when everyone thought you were an alt for Zenigundam
  22. I was 246 which was progressive evens
  23. Naughty
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