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Everything posted by matrixman124

  1. It's in the content economy's best interests for everyone to be as media illiterate as possible unfortunately
  2. I wouldn't call them braindead. People have been trained to accept a lot less in their media for a long time.
  3. Elon Musk: bringer of pipe dreams and things that go boom by accident
  4. I just hear that a lot in defense of AI and I'm very tired. Like what you said is a valid point about AI being used as a tool, but we have left that station a long time ago. Things have been taken way past that and the brakes need to be pumped. What we really need is a regulatory committee that has to legally be allowed to see the code of an AI algorithm and verify if it's being used in a lawful way. Cuz right now AIs are all black boxes and only the CEOs/engineers of a company know what's inside them and they have literally nobody stopping them from pushing AI in all of the wrong directions.
  5. And here We Go My favorite part is that Elon seriously thinks that Media Matters has a vendetta against him. Elon, YOU are the one destroying X Corp.
  6. Look, I have never been all the way against AI but the way it's being used is not as a tool. It's being used to supplant human-made media because the contentification of everything has reduced the value of human made art. Its one of the reasons SAG and WAG were striking - because they don't want to be replaced and supplanted and reduced to a texture and voice pack you throw on a motion capture model
  7. If there's one corporation AI content generators don't want to piss off, it's Disney.
  8. It's mostly because he thinks he's above the law. Which he's not
  9. Being anti-Zionist doesn't make you an anti-Semite. In other news:
  10. Democrats refuse to do anything because you have the pro-Israel lobbies and donors. The money is a big part of why there has always been resistance to publicly denounce the Zionists.
  11. Really happy they got their demands (tentatively)
  12. And he didn't get bribed by some reason guy. It was the Egyptian government!
  13. Wiping out Hamas 1.0 is going to produce Hamas 2.0. What I'm trying to say is what Israel is doing is pointless because as long as they attack Palestinians they're going to create more of what they're trying to destroy. Hamas didn't come out of nowhere.
  14. "We built the cybertruck to be something impenetrable to arrows. I think Bladerunner would drive it"
  15. Also the collateral killing of innocent Palestinians will undoubtedly radicalize their surviving kin. Kind of like how ISIS happened.
  16. "we can't erase Confederate history" says the guy whose family profited from South Africa apartheid
  17. I was in Philadelphia this evening and saw a big protest calling for ceasefire
  18. It was an accidental drowning in his hot tub. He was definitely hurting. 😢
  19. Netanyahu has a lot of protection
  20. The amount of public outcry for a ceasefire is very promising
  21. It's not an "invasion" it's a field trip!
  22. Sure would look bad if the GOP compromised with them
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