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Everything posted by Heshi

  1. I smell roses meow, wait that's just me.
  2. Wow meow I instantly thought woah we should do a Bernard and Dolores cosplay combo 😮
  3. I read that as Privateers... Could my mind be getting less pervy 😮 probably not meow outdated pornographic publications...
  4. I don't know anything about a college housekeeper union... But the correspondence could be A.I. automated and in cahoots with the custodibots if there are. meow
  5. I read like 3 or 4 panels then started scrolling... Jenkies that's long meow All hail lord Daffy...
  6. rain can be quite peaceful meow, except this house doesn't have gutters so it sounds like a giant pissing outside my bedroom when it rains meow...
  7. uh oh meow that could put my girlfriend out of a job...
  8. Last night is the first dream I remember anything from in weeks... Some invasion scenario trying to shoot badies in the tree line using a pistol , think I missed half of them, then got a rifle and was bitxhing that it didn't have an ACOG then a highway chase with choppers carrying tanks and shipping containers then idk reality got funky and I don't remember the rest... Guess I've played too much homefront and call of duty and battlefield... meow
  9. So lost in this grand interweb ocean of nonsensical gibberish and trolls and the occasional anoying trans girl meow 🙃 idkmbffj
  10. Good to know I'm not alone meow. I'm sure it will be fine Tao... O.o sorry
  11. So that's what the Hbd was... I suck at shorthand meow... Happy Spirit Journey Anniversary or whatever it was meow...
  12. Well meow, at least you are not drowning tiny fairies like that other individual << >>
  13. yummy meow
  14. He was my favorite player, think we were about the same height 😄 but his willingness to make the catch at all costs definitely shortened his career meow, so much grit in a little package Hofstra wow
  15. I miss the Pennington to Chrebet combo meow...
  16. I was being silly, but actually have no idea how that's supposed to work meow yeah meowkward
  17. Smoke a bowl, that sounds weird meow. Aren't bowls normally for food 🥺 oh water duh
  18. I like Amon Amarth meow...
  19. Teeheehee I can't think of any meow 😮 My sister has fox ears I think... ( I don't think disco mona lieks me)
  20. Teeheehee meow I'll take it as a compliment meow 😄 would you believe I don't actually own any cat ears 😮 But I meow all the time even off the internet, I actually have to remind myself not to do it with Veterans Affairs correspondence meow
  21. Constipation is bad mkay meow... 🤪
  22. Welp teh heshi done went and caused shit to get started meow... I like boobies... 🙃 Meow
  23. So that's the denature but what about the denorture meow ... wow absolutely terrible meow I should be ashamed... meow
  24. teh heshi font is Bold Comic Sans in FF0066 (kinda raspberry) and how I miss it for here meow Thanks Meow, I was probably the "loudest" of the trans girls 🤪🤪
  25. No meow why would you be drowning tiny fairies
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