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Everything posted by Heshi

  1. I totally love this pic meow ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Tomorrow will be a week since I had my Gallbladder removed and I went from being alone for many years to having two special ladies in my life. This has been quite a year for teh Heshi meow...
  3. thanks meow ๐Ÿคช
  4. So I'd planned on putting up a 4 month picture, but got a little side tracked and ended up in the Hospital for 5 days shortly my 4 month mark, pancreatitis was like happy anniversary bitch ... But I don't have a gallbladder anymore and it'll be a bit before I'm strutting around but here's the picture I probably was gonna share before being hospitalized. Meow
  5. So I'm like a week away from 4 months of Estrogen, I've noticed that my face is looking more feminine now, a lot of stuff is still really sore and I nearly fill out a D cup bra meow ๐Ÿ˜† but everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving
  6. Aww thanks meow. issue being I hate short hair with a passion ๐Ÿ˜†, any time I see Ruby Rose in movies I always think she'd be so hot with longer hair. I don't know if it has anything to do with having to keep it short when I was in the military though... sorry for trampling all over what was ment as a nice gesture meow ๐Ÿ˜ฐ but wigs are fun, I'd have to do a wig for a pixie cut cause I have a receding hairline, I really really hope HRT will help with that, but it's not a guarantee. Wow I am so scatter brained from my testosterone blockers that idk if any of that made any sense...
  7. Another week and yet another picture meow ...
  8. 3 months of Estrogen!!! MEOW My boobs are totally boob shaped now, so that's awesome, my skin is softer and dryer, my hands don't radiate heat anymore and I'm more sensitive to cold, my build is more feminine as my muscles have gotten way smaller and my hips are wider. I dyed my hair for the 2nd time today. Think I've got additional peach fuzz on top of my head , not sure I've noticed much in regards to body or facial hair changes. I'm also dealing with hearing the wrong pronoun worse. Still hate my wrong parts, probably more so with each passing day. But guess I'll upload a picture from an hour ago...
  9. Well meow another week another picture I guess.
  10. That's great you support him, and I'm glad he's doing so well. And thank you meow
  11. Whoops I haven't updated in a bit, it's going really well, my boobs are definitely getting bigger and I'm getting a slightly more feminine build. And I've lost around 90 pounds over the last 7 months. Yeah over 2 months into HRT pic time...
  12. Then all's good meow, I assume...
  13. Should know by now hope isn't something us Jets fanz are allowed...
  14. I was never a contractor and never dealt with a judge advocates general, so I'm far from an expert, just a trans girl who served during don't ask don't tell... I'm not very helpful meow
  15. I violated the UCMJ every time I wore a dress meow, so fuck it... Also snitchin is bitchin meow
  16. Pika pika meow
  17. I have more fun giv... Oh nevermind meow when I last watched wrestling on a regular basis it was still the WWF... so I still call it that, nothing like two pandas hitting each other with chairs...
  18. I've got Top Gun and the Aliens trilogy woo (Totz a trilogy cause, Resurrection didn't exist yet) have a bunch of VHS and a VCR but just a 4K tv... meow
  19. Mind melding with Edmund Kemper was maybe not the best idea... meow
  20. That right bowl is just so far away meow
  21. awwwwww meow totz adorbz
  22. I was informed today that my estrogen dose is getting doubled and my t-blockers are getting tripled meow. Oh and a pic from today that I liked ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. I'm totally not man enough, especially with the testosterone blockers meow. but I like candy corn and black licorice, I don't know about good n plenty though...
  24. well that makes as much sense to study as just about anything else I guess meow hay chicka bum bum
  25. Thank you for sharing meow. I'm around a C Cup but definitely want them to get bigger ๐Ÿ˜† I haven't worked out in a while, but I had the remnants of being able to do a 100 pushups in a minute and incline pressing 320lbs , to contend with and wow a month and a half has done wonders for that. That's great may it continue provide evolving results and affirmation meow (I may have lost my train of thought towards the end of that, yay Spiro)
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