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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I just read a TMZ report which implied that they weren't on the helicopter. This is going to be a nice fucking mess for everyone to sift through...
  2. Just another reminder that old age is not guaranteed in life, as it can all be taken away in an instant. He was fun to watch. RIP.
  3. • Chuggaaconroy • NintendoCapriSun • ProtonJon • Vinesauce • RoosterTeeth's "Let's Play" Channel • OneyPlays <---Currently on a brief hiatus. They do go "WOAH, WTF" but their commentary is genuinely hilarious. At least to me, it is.
  4. Ghostrek is the only user I can think of who probably has a gimmick. Everyone else is either cool to talk to or the brunt of everyone's jokes.
  5. Unfortunately, the save is lost when a battery dies in the cartridge. You can replace the battery to renew your ability to keep a file on the cartridge, but that data is gone forever. It sucks, and I'm sorry that it happened. Even if you replaced the battery beforehand, the save file would been lost regardless.
  6. Have you tried restarting a playthrough and saving? If the save file disappears again, it's possible that the save battery may have died. A lot of older games with saving functionality have one. I experienced this tragedy first hand with two Pokemon cartridges. They can have an incredible lifespan, but they were not designed to last forever.
  7. I have no cell phone service where I live and I'm not driving five miles out of a hollow just to confirm a text and drive back. Discord's verification system is stupid as fuck. I remember asking for help via Discord's support and was pretty much told there was nothing they could do. Why not just have a code emailed to me?
  8. Would totally join if Discord didn't require me to verify by phone after registering for the first time. And I just realized the joke. I was actually thinking, "Wow, that's pretty cool!" I didn't pay attention to the usernames.
  9. I'll probably regret this, but I'll ask anyway: Are you okay?
  10. Can't say I had any. If someone had a problem with what I chose to watch, they weren't worth talking to anyway.
  11. I hate most of Coca Cola's offshoot flavors, including their vanilla flavoring. The only exception was their cinnamon flavored cola release late last year. Pepsi does things better. I loved Pepsi Blue, even though it was supposedly bad for people to drink. Pepsi Fire was also pretty neat, but (again) I love cinnamon.
  12. I thought this was going to be a thread about how you got a lifetime supply of that Papa John's garlic butter. Instead, I got some unexpectedly wholesome content. Bravo!
  13. Before college, I would have jumped on this. I loved to write. Then I had to do term papers for three or four years, almost non-stop. My love for it died. Best of luck to the entrants, though!
  14. When I shower and go to bed, sure. But once I'm awake, I have to wear something. You know?
  15. A lot of the people here probably don't have trouble making friends IRL. However, I'll be the first to admit that I am one of those people. But fuck 'em. I am detached from most things, including people. My job requires it in some ways. I'm fine with that.
  16. I don't know if the translation is accurate, but it drives the point home nicely.
  17. - An early night. - A juicy steak. Rare, or medium rare. - Making cookies with grandma. - Surprising someone with a gift when they never expected to receive one. - Making your loved ones smile. - Holding hands with my niece.
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