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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. There are so many things wrong with this fucking story. If either of you make a move with each other, then you deserve each other. I'm sorry.
  2. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only guy who's seen the anime and followed it since its inception. I'm not familiar with the visual novel or the games, but I love the anime series up to Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei (2009). If it ends up being anything like Kira, I will start to break shit in my room. Anyway, here's a teaser:
  3. I'm only familiar with Star Trek Enterprise. The rest, I have no clue about. Except that original Star Trek episode with the Tribbles. But that's really it.
  4. I didn't even realize the Golden Globes were happening, but then again I was at work. However, seeing what he did....I wish more people had the gall to fucking say this stuff on national television. No. That is your thing, remember?
  5. Is this the same person who claimed to beat up his mom for spilling his coffee or some shit? Or was that someone else? I'm guessing not. Edit: Nvm, wrong website.
  6. I'm sorry. I can't walk away without asking about this one. Why Simon's Quest? 😂 You need a walkthrough to beat the game because the puzzles are so inane and nonsensical. On-topic: I can't really suggest anything that hasn't been stated already except for CONTRA. Really fun game once you get the hang of stuff. Presents a tough challenge, though.
  7. Basically, is there any food that, if you were to eat it, you'd risk feeling sick because you've had it too many times? I can name several, some of which may be unpopular: • Macaroni and cheese is something I will never willingly eat again. As a kid, I was forced to have a baby sitter until I was 11. My parents went with the same baby sitter for about 4 years. Guess what was almost always on the menu when they were babysitting? Fucking mac and cheese. There was one span when I had this shit for three days, and no lie, the next day when my parents actually cooked? They had mac and cheese as one of the sides. So no. I never really liked it to begin with, so this solidifies mac and cheese as one food that I will never willingly eat again if I have a choice. • Ham is a meat that I enjoyed at first, but over time, the taste of it currently makes me recoil. I have a poultry allergy, and as a kid, I had to go to several people's houses during Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was served ham, because it was the only thing that they could feed me that wasn't a fucking whole bird for whatever reason. They refused to compromise. We would literally go to family members' houses three days in a row for each holiday, and because I couldn't switch things up regarding the meat, and because someone specifically bought ham due to my allergy, I was expected to eat it. Every. Fucking. Time. And nobody wanted to take the leftovers home, but my parents did. So I'd eat even more ham, and I'd be expected to finish it. Most of these family members are dead or I have chosen not to remain in contact with for personal reasons, so my grandmother compromised and I get to eat beef or pork loin, which is much better (and tastier). I will never go back to ham. Ever. • I'm not much of a fruit person, but if you were to offer me a cherry, I might gag in front of you. Cherry feels like the most fake flavor out there. I say this because every medicine I was offered as a child was cherry flavored. It's like Ginger Ale. I only tasted this flavor when I was sick or needed something to ease a headache or cough. Coincidentally, most of the shit that my parents bought for me as a kid was cherry-flavored. So yeah, that's a basic list of stuff I will never eat in the future. I'm open to a lot of things and will try anything at least once, but most of my negative food experiences have been due to being overfed stuff to the point where I can't stomach them anymore. I can't be the only one whose experienced this kind of stuff.
  8. I can't pick a definitive favorite, as I have fond memories and nostalgia for each era. I'm sure that when the current one passes and I get cable again, I'll miss this one as well. SOLID points go to the 2004-2007 era though. All of the trippy and cool bumps that would appear on Saturdays during the anime block are still burned into my mind to this day.
  9. I've heard mixed opinions. Some people loved it, others hated it...like the latest Star Wars movie.
  10. It is Friday for much of the world, yes. Feels more like a Tuesday to me, though, since I didn't work at all until Thursday.
  11. True, as the story was terrible and the way the plot drug along made all three films a slog to watch. Though I did find the animation to be off-putting during specific shots.
  12. I don't know about hybrids, but I know any unfortunate soul who owns a Tesla has to pay a bunch of fines and jump through too many hoops just to keep it here.
  13. I entered true adulthood and received a figurative kick to the nuts.
  14. The Arby's thread. It's the only one I can remember. Sorry.
  15. I know people who at the very least, get back $200. A friend owed the state $50, but got back more than $1,000 last year when filing federal. Certainly there are those who DO pay back something. I'd say that such people are in the middle class, or whatever is left of it.
  16. I'm looking forward to it as well. Extra $$$. But being laid off and unemployed for roughly two months will likely mean I get less money this year.
  17. "Being Irish is being driven to drink because your own wife makes you walk." Heard this one from a friend a while back.
  18. The only thing that's kept me from watching Ultraman is the animation. I might see it some day, but I'm not feeling up to it right now. Ever since the disappointing Godzilla trilogy from Polygon, I've been wary of any studio that uses 3D for the majority of their shit.
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