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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. > Cannot tell if drunk or stoned, as OP's username implies.
  2. ....You're right. I could have blinked for those whole two seconds. Instead, I deprived my eyes of the rest they so badly needed.
  3. I mean, that was two seconds of my life spent. Not that big of a deal.
  4. God damn. I'll just stick with toast, sausage, eggs, and bacon for my breakfast routine.
  5. "ZIGGITY-ZENI GUNDAM--" Annnd I stopped watching.
  6. Well, a good number of jobs that I've applied to had actual people send the rejection emails. They weren't always automated. If they were automated, I obviously wouldn't bother.
  7. If I honestly received an email like that, I'd probably reply with something along the lines of: "Okay. Thanks for letting me know however many months later." I'm aware that it isn't good etiquette, but so many HR departments are out of touch with applicants that it's not even fucking funny.
  8. I was 17 when I had mine pulled, and insurance did cover it. Granted, that was almost 11 years ago. Times have probably changed. I'd speak with a dentist as others have advised already. As for the procedure, I was put under. That morning was a blur. I remember waking up in bed with some packing in my mouth, tasting blood. My mouth was also very sore. If you do go through with having one removed, it may not be as bad. All four of mine had to be taken out, though. Also, make sure to pick a food you won't mind getting sick of. I can't stand to eat chocolate pudding anymore due to post-operation recovery hunger spells.
  9. We need a meteor impact. Smash that RESET button.
  10. I talk to myself a lot. Does that count?
  11. I like Raiden. I like Tanya. I feel like the only person in the world who loves Jade, though.
  12. Ever since my last relationship nearly a decade ago, the only kinds of people I tend to attract are noisy bitches or people who are generally unpleasant to be around. I can't even go to one of my local hangouts anymore because one of them keeps stalking me. I may end up having to tell her off, but I don't want to ruin any rapport I have with the other folks there. FUCK.
  13. The people I know who do this probably have a caffeine addiction because they're also pounding down energy drinks and sodas during the day.
  14. Any time I try to make spices or sauces of my own, they taste almost exactly like the shit I can buy at Kroger for much cheaper. Gets very discouraging after a while.
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